Frank, apologies - I got home a bit later than expected yesterday and didn't switch on the laptop... but here is the recipe for the pork cheek ... -and-sage/ - it really really is yummy
Kaz, the cheeks are a very muscular meat so probably quite like brisket; very little fat on them really, just lovely and meaty. I had some for lunch yesterday and just had it with some pasta but it could have done with a bit more sauce. Ideally I'd probably have put a dollop of creme fraiche on top or some salsa on the side (this lot was done as a BBQ pulled beef) but I didn't have and was too lazy to pop up to the shops
When I did the pulled pork a while back I had a friend round for lunch and served them with nachos and grated cheese and then microwaved so the cheese melted, with guacamole and salsa on the side - that was lovely and I don't see why it wouldn't work as well using the pulled beef.
I'm going to try the James Martin recipe next time I do beef cheeks as I think it's a better flavour combination
But cheeks definitely are a good cut of meat to try if you haven't yet