So, I am dismantling an Elonex ONEt laptop-type computer. It dates from 2008. Master O bought it for Mrs O to help her wordprocessing skills, but it has hardly been used. Mrs O accidentally dropped it whilst decluttering and the battery case hatch burst open, the plastic sheared. We have a proper laptop anyway, so this Elonex is consigned for the dustbin.
Therefore, I (being paranoid) am looking to extract the hard-drive. I have dismantled it, but I cannot see any component resembling a hard-drive.
If I discount the hardware on the circuit board that is obviously linked to an external port, I am left with:
2 x Hynix 830E, which might be RAMs, but why two of them?
1 x Ingenic JZ4730, which googling is a semiconductor
1 x Hanrun HR681680, which I don't believe is anything special
1 x circular CR1220 which helpfully describes itself as a lithium battery (although why it's there I have no idea)
2 x Samsung 825 K9K8G08UDA, which maybe something called a translatet app ( )
various other small inconsequential components of Chinese manufacture, and
something called a SW2 with a prominent red button, which I am not going to press in case I totally destroy half of the north-west Midlands!
Do these Mac style machines actually have a hard-drive, or an I looking for something that doesn't exist?