This little tiff

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This little tiff

Postby Suff » 17 Nov 2016, 20:29

Shows the total lack of a clue in the EU as to how the market mechanics work with the UK.

First of all we don't sell Fish and Chips to the rest of the EU. Actually the Italians fish our fish in our waters on the grounds that their "culture" needs it, then sell those fish to us in our ports because we pay more for it. Then we make our own Fish and Chips because _nobody_ in the EU eats them except in the British Isles, unless there is a Brit shop selling them to Ex Pats.

The Italian minister seems to be totally unaware of the trade imbalance between the EU 27 and the UK. Also he seems to be totally unaware that the US makes world class wines which they can't sell to the UK in volume because of the EU import tariffs. This is the same with a hell of a lot of the products the UK buys from the EU, China and Asia are even cheaper than the US, as are South America.

It is almost certain that the UK will now get a free trade deal with the US and that will open opportunities up for the UK which are not there now.

The EU is going to get a rude awakening when the UK leaves.

BTW it's interesting about all those EU idiots claiming we want access to the EU without the free movement of people. This is more and more irritating every time they say it. Because it has a name. It's called a free trade deal and they've just signed one with Canada so they should know what it looks like.

They're just a lying bunch of B'stards and it's very much this reason that I was a Leave voter.
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Re: This little tiff

Postby Workingman » 17 Nov 2016, 20:49

Boris is a buffoon, but he makes me laugh.

I was a Remainer because I believed in the EU. Yes, it has many flaws, and yes it needs changing, and pdq. We could have led that if we were prepared to take part; we never have.

What I want now is Brexit in full, as voted for by Brexiteers. Negotiations should only be about exiting treaties we signed to enter the EEC and as members of what it evolved into, the EU - nothing else.

Once we have Brexit we can do what we like - we sink or swim. I am OK with that, I am saving up for some scuba gear.
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Re: This little tiff

Postby Suff » 17 Nov 2016, 21:16

Yeah I know Boris is a buffoon, but the Italians are worse. They don't even seem to recognise reality or what they have to lose by letting the UK go with no free trade deal in place.

It is no surprise then that the Italian economy has not grown in 20 years nor that the Italian banks continue to teeter on the edge of destruction. Apparently the Italian government wouldn't recognise TRADE if it jumped up and tried to bite their asses off.

Which would explain much of the woes of the EU today... Brussels has been organising the trade deals so long that the "member states" are totally divorced from reality.

And to add.

I, too, would like us to just leave. Then we can sort out the trade deals with the EU after. However my aspirations are more in the line of a luxury yacht than scuba gear... :lol: :lol: :roll:
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