A very wild, wet and windy night here, it's still going but much quieter and the rain has stopped for now, it will be back with a vengeance later.
Thankfully we don't need to go out at all, we've bacon and baguette for lunch, and some more beef casserole from the freezer for dinner, perfect stormy weather food
A few odd jobs have been done, the bedding's in washing/drying so I can look forward to sinking into that lovely just-washed smell tonight
Aggers that show should be fantastic, I'm sure you'll enjoy it
Ally well done with your course, I know you're fluent but it must be hard going concentrating in Spanish for that long. Really useful thing to have done too
Jo I now have a little notice stuck to the glass of our front door, saying 'Please knock loudly'. I did it when the hearing went in one ear, but it's a good thing anyway, I got fed up with timid taps while I was in the garden or upstairs.
Hope you all escape the worst of the weather