Brexit is a once-in-a-generation chance to boost UK trade and investment
TheCityUK says post-Brexit trade agreements could enhance London's status as a leading financial capital and could also create new growth opportunities for the sector across the UK.
"The UK is the leading exporter of financial services globally, generating a record high trade surplus in 2015 of $97bn (£77.5bn)," said Gary Campkin, director of policy and strategy at TheCityUK. "Around 40 per cent of the UK's trade surplus in financial services is with Europe
In other words the city exports 60% of it's financial services outside of the EU.
"However, over the next 10 to 15 years, 90 per cent of global economic growth is expected to be generated outside Europe and these markets
Pity they could not have worked this out _Before_ backing Remain. All they have told us is that these opportunities were always out there but they told us they were not so that it would be an easier life just free wheeling inside the EU....
Nice. Really Nice.