Today, if the police want you to identify yourself, you have seven days to turn up with whatever identifying documentation you have. As there is actually no requirement to have any identifying documentation, at all, then the police can only demand ID for certain things.
When the Government has issued everyone with an ID card, the police will _demand_ that you present your ID card and nothing else will be sufficient. The Government will change the law and that will be that. If you think they won't then you are not thinking.
So now we come to the other part. You know, the bit they don't want to talk about. Those of us who have had to have an ID card know all about this. Like losing it, washing it in the washing machine, having it stolen. Etc...
Any of the above and "you" will be the one inconvenienced. As it is important government issued ID, which is a security threat if you lose it, expect there to be repercussions if you lose it. A cost if you wash it.
Think you can just put it in a drawer and pull it out when it suits you? That's not going to happen. Then what happens when the contents of the drawer get "lost" or it's sitting in some papers which get shredded?
If you have not lived with a government issued ID card, then you don't realise the great burden it is.
These things grown and morph until you don't recognise them. Driving license on your ID card? Of course, why issue another card you just have to carry around with you. Then what happens when it's mandatory to carry your driving license but someone steals your wallet/purse? In Switzerland your driving license and vehicle numberplate are on your ID card and you have to carry it, it's mandatory. So if someone steals your wallet, you can't drive and you can't travel. The Government is shut on the weekend, get mugged on Friday, tough.
You think this can't happen? I had a colleague in Zurich who was mugged and his wallet stolen. He then lived a two week nightmare until he had his government documents back again.
If you want someone to do something they shouldn't like, you soft soap it and get them to do it. Then the other shoe drops. But it's there then and there is no going back.
It'll be convenient, yep absolutely. For the Government. For you it will eventually be a millstone around your neck.
Don't believe me? I don't care. Remember I've carried an ID card and I've lived with the limitations. I know what is being "offered". All I'm doing is offering my advice from my experience of life. Advice, as they say, is for giving....