There's nothing to stop you taking your own readings and either phoning them in or using your on-line account to do so. I've tended to use the receipt of a bill as a reminder to check the readings if the company have estimated them, but if my reading is not that different from their estimate, I just let it ride. Now, as I posted in Today's thread, I get prompted to provide them with actual readings ....
Same with the direct debit - if I'm overpaying now in the summer, I'm not fussed, it will help to fund next winter.
We are gas central heating, so our gas usage varies enormously. Over this last winter, it was 3.38 thingies per day over the winter, and has now dropped to 0.15 thingies per day - that just reflects we are using the gas hob only in the summer, not the boiler for central heating.
However, our electric consumption has been a mystery since we moved in last September. It really ought to be pretty constant, just the oven, fridge/freezer, lights, TV, so on. And it is, but I've always been suspicious that it has been consistently high ....
We inherited a solar thermal system, and we had constant, almost scalding hot water throughout the winter. Great, we thought, didn't have to use the gas boiler once! But a visiting electrician noticed our boiler thermostat was "hanging off" so there was no automatic cut-off at 60 Centigrade. Therefore, either the solar system was working overtime (but then we were told that it wasn't hugely efficient) or (my conspiracy theory ) we might have had the electric immersion heater on without realising it. Three ways to get hot water here - solar, gas boiler, and electric immersion (although as one workman put it, if the electric fails, you're b*ggered on all three methods! ). So now I am monitoring the readings and looking for a fall in consumption ..... perversely however, having just registered on-line to give electric readings, they had a usage comparison site, and the findings were that we were 23% more efficient than average! So I have no idea what is going on!
Yes, these smart meters can give you instant information as to what you're using, and send the readings direct to your company by Wifi. That's probably why your friend's bill has gone down, Meriad, it's just actual readings replacing estimated ones. But if they were overpaying, the money wasn't lost, they'd still get it back. The other thing to remember is that if you are on the default Standard Variable Tariff, well, every company has hiked the price up of late.
I have a friend who has a smart meter and he had a huge shock at first as it seemed his consumption tripled overnight! It was only after some time that he realised his old readings were in the electricity equivalent of £s, shillings and pence, and his new readings were in metric!
As for price comparision websites, that's a whole different kettle of fish. Ossie more than happy to copy his avatar .....