I've been keeping an eye on the Waterloo situation myself, meriad, as our West of England line is also affected by the works. If I'm reading it right, a lot of outer suburban semi-fasts have been scrapped for the duration, and whilst our trains will still run hourly from Exeter, the presumed cancellation of the Salisbury stoppers meant a forecast that our already overcrowded services would be at bursting point. So I was interested to see that the overcrowding wasn't that bad on your line this morning ....
The travellers were a problem in Birmingham, Saundra; one year, they chose three sites including a nature reserve and a park near where we lived, and although they were "moved on" by the authorities after due process, the destruction and litter they left behind was phenomenal. They destroyed fences to get onto the land. These were travellers ("tarmac yer front drive for yer, mate?"), not Romanies. When they came back in 2015, if I recall correctly, I believe that some of the locals actually threatened them with violence ....
Our guy came early Sunday to mow the lawn, because of the threatened bad weather this week. This morning, around 9:30, for around 20 minutes or so, there was a bird "feeding frenzy" on our newly-cut back lawn and in our bushes - we spotted a pair of blue tits, a pair of chaffinches, more sparrows than you could shake a stick at, blackbirds - and four woodpeckers, two adult and two juveniles, all furiously "mining" for ants. I think we've probably got craters in the lawn now ....
Just been out for a walk with Mrs O and just got back in time as it's started spitting with rain yet again.