What Are We Reading in August?

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What Are We Reading in August?

Postby Ally » 31 Jul 2017, 22:37

I'm reading the Noel Coward Diaries.

Hilarious! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What are we reading in August?

Postby TheOstrich » 31 Jul 2017, 22:43

We have picked up a load of cheap paperbacks from Superbooks recently. :D
Mrs O has just finished two M. C. Beaton "Agatha Raisin" novels.
I have a couple of Edward Marston's "Railway Detective" novels, set in the Victorian era, to start.
We've also got the new DCI Banks novel "Sleeping in the Ground" by Peter Robinson which we'll both enjoy.
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Re: What are we reading in August?

Postby Ally » 31 Jul 2017, 23:35

TheOstrich wrote:We have picked up a load of cheap paperbacks from Superbooks recently. :D
Mrs O has just finished two M. C. Beaton "Agatha Raisin" novels.
I have a couple of Edward Marston's "Railway Detective" novels, set in the Victorian era, to start.
We've also got the new DCI Banks novel "Sleeping in the Ground" by Peter Robinson which we'll both enjoy.

Oh Ossie...I is jumping here!

One of my bestie mate's brother is one of the executive producers on Agatha Raisin. (Barry Ryan. Sister of the wonderful Geraldine.)

Superbooks? Is this like The Works?

Ally wot is :mrgreen: :mrgreen: at Mr & Mrs's book foray. :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby Kaz » 01 Aug 2017, 09:28

That's interesting! I love the Agatha Raisin books (my sister got me onto them by buying me the first of the series) and really enjoyed the TV adaptation, once I'd got used to her being so physically different from the Agatha of the books ;) Ashley Jensen is blonde and willowy, Agatha is dark and rounded ;) :D :lol: :geek:
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby JoM » 01 Aug 2017, 12:54

Paper Hearts And Summer Kisses by Carole Matthews. Really enjoying it!

Ossie...Superbooks? Is that a local shop? There used to be a really REALLY amazing shop in the Pallasades, when you went up the ramp, the centre opened out and it was more or less in front of you, and every book was £1. I used to go with my friend Vonnie and we could hardly carry our purchases back to the car, we'd have so many :lol:

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby TheOstrich » 01 Aug 2017, 13:50

Interesting about your friend's brother, Ally. :D Yes, Superbook - it's a local chain for discounted books; 6 stores from Trowbridge in the north to Lyndhurst in the south. Paperbacks are £3.99 or £2.99 - 2 for a fiver.

They had loads of Agatha Raisins in their Blandford store when we went. They must buy job lots from the major retailers. They do some hardbacks too, but these are more historical or local things or transport books. It's the sort of fayre you'd find on sale in your neighbourhood posh garden centre along with the charcoal grills and chutneys and Eric the Penguin birthdays cards* and bottles of ale from the local brewery, IYKWIM.

* There was one funny card in the Orchard Park garden centre I couldn't resist buying last time we went. Based on the Bayeaux Tapestry, but the wording was:
King Harold: "What News? The French are defeated?"
Happy Minion: "Nay, my Lord. But Waitrose hath opened a new store in the village!"

There were some extremely funny ones in that series - look out for them - appealed to my :mrgreen: sense of humour!!
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby miasmum » 01 Aug 2017, 18:30

I am reading My Sister Millie by Gemma Dowler, I had it for my birthday. Its all about the abduction and murder of Millie Dowler and written by her sister. Its quite harrowing, and the way the police dealt with Millie's disappearance is shocking but its very interesting
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby Ally » 13 Aug 2017, 11:00

I'm now reading The Stolen Girls by Patricia Gibney.

It's fab! Put it like this...it's a good job I prepped tonight's dinner early this morning as I'm finding it difficult to put this book down! :lol:
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby JoM » 16 Aug 2017, 11:37

I've just finished The Yorkshire Pudding Club by Milly Johnson which was fab. Now I've started Mr Mercedes by Stephen King. I've had it on my Kindle for ages but it's been made into a TV series which I hope we get here sometime soon as it's getting excellent reviews in the US so I thought I should read it before (hopefully) watching it.

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: What Are We Reading in August?

Postby Gal » 16 Aug 2017, 18:22

JoM wrote: Now I've started Mr Mercedes by Stephen King. I've had it on my Kindle for ages but it's been made into a TV series which I hope we get here sometime soon as it's getting excellent reviews in the US so I thought I should read it before (hopefully) watching it.

Jo I LOVED that!! I couldn't put it down, it's not his usual fare but I really enjoyed it - like you I wanted to see the series, but I think it's only available in the US up to now :?

I'm reading a Diane Chamberlain atm, The Lost Daughter. Very much enjoying it too :)


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