by AliasAggers » 25 Sep 2017, 19:45
That sounds quite interesting. I haven't seen the programme, but what's funny about it?
(I presume the 100 years refers to the age of the drivers, not the school).
I do think that an age of 100 years must make driving quite a risky thing, and should not be allowed.
I packed up driving when I reached my 90th birthday, not because I felt incompetent about driving,
but because I knew that if I became involved in an accident, whatever the reason, people would say,
"He shouldn't be driving at that age". My wife, however, assured me that my driving was quite alright.
I had been driving for over 70 years, and to be honest, the only slight problem I experienced was when
driving though a town unknown to me, with complicated road junctions, when I didn't feel too happy.
I was happier on routes that I knew.
There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.