
For all those techno questions


Postby JanB » 01 Oct 2017, 18:07

cos I is fick :oops: :oops:

We're going away in a couple of days and Grumpy wants me to take the lap-top,. so we can still be in touch with people.

Now, Ria set me up originally, can't remember what she did :oops: :oops: and my question is....

The residencia we're staying in has wifi, so when I start the lappy up, what happens? Does a thingy appear asking for the wifi code?

If it does, okay, I can find the code out.

And then what happens when I get home? Do I have to put in my code here too?

Sorry for being so thick, but not done it before.
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Re: wifi

Postby Ally » 01 Oct 2017, 23:42

The hotel should give you a wifi code that you enter and will then have access. This you'll do by going on connections on the bottom right hand side of your laptop and clicking on the symbols.

When you get back home all will be as when you left.

I don't take my lappy anywhere as I prefer just using my iphone...it's funny as there is a list as long as my arm of all the places I've been to and had to enter wifi codes. :lol: :lol:

There is now a list as long as my arm that tells me where I've been and access is no longer available. :lol: :lol:

99% of the time we automatically have access on our phones though so a code isn't an issue.

It should be easy peasy lemon squeezy. :lol: :lol:

Hope this helps. xx
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Re: wifi

Postby JanB » 02 Oct 2017, 12:13

Thanks Ally - I'll give it a go.

Can't use my phone, it's not an iphone or anything like that, just a common or garden mobile :lol: :lol: :lol:
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