Good morning Friday

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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby AliasAggers » 15 Dec 2017, 10:49

Good morning all.

It's bright and sunny here now, but there's a lot of ice on the footpaths.
I was going out but our Lodge Manager advised me not to, as it very icy
in parts, and she has been down twice getting here. So It will be indoor
pursuits for me.

Hope you all have a lovely day.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 15 Dec 2017, 11:18

Good morning all. We had heavy rain last night which more or less washed away most of the snow and ice...and then it snowed again and froze so everywhere is very icy again, buses aren't able to run on a lot of routes and everywhere is gridlocked.

Waiting to hear from Joe, well I've heard from him but just general chit chat and randomness. He's worrying being in Stoke in case Stoke FC do their annual Christmas hospital visit :lol:

I really do need to go into town today. I need to transfer money from the savings account to the current account to pay for our holiday, it's due before the end of the month and this account only allows counter service.

Good luck to D, hope everything goes well!

Will be thinking of you Ally xx

Have a good day all!

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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JanB » 15 Dec 2017, 12:41

JoM wrote: He's worrying being in Stoke in case Stoke FC do their annual Christmas hospital visit :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Can't blame him Jo - who would want Peter Crouch leaning over them :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: Hope he can get home soon xx

Change of plan here again - we've had steady rain for the last 3 hours, :Hi: :Hi: :Hi: so not going out now - might do if it clears up this afternoon
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Diflower » 15 Dec 2017, 13:11

Well that was a success :)
Ria this farm shop is not overly expensive, and so nice to visit.
It's very small and the whole family help out, with a proper butcher doing all the meat.
When it's busy like today there were three butchers :)

We got some wild boar sausages and their bargain offer - 2x500g of Dexter stewing beef for £6!
Also a lovely piece of cheese for Christmas, and a nice present for a cheese-loving friend, fennel crackers and fig preserve :)
Oh yes, and Bb ate several bits of cheese, two little sausages and a sausage roll :?

Then we went to w/rose where it was so busy we forgot to buy cake :( :evil: :)
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby jenniren » 15 Dec 2017, 13:28

Morning all.......well almost :oops:

Dull and overcast here, E says it's really cold too.

Hope everything goes well for you all today Ally, thinking of you xx

Good luck to D Kaz.

Hope you get Joe home soon Jo.

We did really well at the shops, will only need to pop out for fresh stuff next week. Very organised this year, think we could withstand a siege with all the stuff in the larder :lol: More than we need for Christmas, but I'm stocking up on lots of essentials for when I'm in hospital and the week or so afterwards.

No plans today, intend to be nice and lazy.

Have a good day :)
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby meriad » 15 Dec 2017, 14:46

My larder is looking rather bare... as we're out for dinner Christmas Eve and then I'm spending Christmas Day at Karl and Nadine's and it is just the five of us we're not going overboard at all and the only thing I have bought is some nuts :). I've also got a few snacky bits left over from my birthday party so we're going to make do with what we have and I think all Nadine will buy separately is a gammon joint and do that in the oven - oh and Karl will make loads of homemade mayonnaise; he makes the best mayo!

Nadine was potentially going to have her cousin with her, but it now seems that he's going to be with an elderly aunt, and my mom was meant to be here as well but she's needing to undergo surgery and they don't want to wait until after Christmas, so instead of winging her way to me on Wednesday she'll be under the surgeons knife :( - but it's all for the better and we've her 80th to look forward to in May.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 15 Dec 2017, 14:48

Some lovely buys there Di!

I forgot cake too - and it's Billy's birthday! I shall have to whip up a quick sponge for him later :D

:lol: Jan, that was exactly what Joe said about Peter Crouch!

Jen, my mom did extra portions for the freezer of everything she cooked before she had her op. I'd offered to keep them supplied with meals too but they said they'd be fine (my cooking isn't that bad!!)

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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 15 Dec 2017, 14:51

Oh goodness Ria, best wishes to your mom xx

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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Diflower » 15 Dec 2017, 15:35

What a shame your mum won't be there Ria but if it's for the best then so be it, I hope it goes well xx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Diflower » 15 Dec 2017, 15:37

Jo Bb has been out to do a bit of local work and called in at marks :)
He came back with a coffee and walnut cake, which means cake today, tomorrow and Sunday too :)
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