Porco Feira is on this week-end and that means the centre of Ourique is shut to traffic
The prescription will just have to wait until next week - I couldn't be bothered to go the long way round, so just bought hem in the chemist. I'll get the money back next week.
Sun is out, wind has dropped, so I'll be out with the weed-killer
Evening all, a slightly better day with the children, although once again I spent the night in the spare room with Kellie, as Michael was upset and ended up sleeping with Grandad. We are trying hard to persuade him to stay the night in his own bed and an inducement has been offered of a special treat tomorrow if he does.
Kellie is improving slowly, she gets bursts of energy and then goes back again. She asked to go out on her scooter this afternoon and enjoyed it, but then asked to go home and fell asleep in the chair as soon as we got back. She has been really good taking her medicine, normally apparently she nearly has to be held down. Still not eating much though.