cromwell wrote:It's been nearly two years since the referendum and there still seems to beno settled plan for leaving the EU.
Well that shows, at least, that we have learned something. We had, after all, a settled plan for working with Adolf.
There is only one settled plan which we could have for leaving the EU. It is called Hard Brexit and almost nobody in power wants that if they can negotiate anything else.
In case they were not clear enough, the EU is determined that they will "negotiate" Brexit. Also that they have a time schedule for this and also that we are, roughly, running on schedule for that.
What is that schedule? Talk and wrangle till there is no time left, go for a vote where everyone, EU states and UK parliament included, have two choices. Approve, or Hard Brexit.
What I find most illuminating is that most people in the UK, even to this day, simply do not understand how the EU works. Think CETA. They spent 7 years negotiating a trade deal and the EU 28 got a choice. Take it or Veto it.
Why on earth would Brexit be any different?
That statement is a Remainer sentiment. It is being fed and cosseted by the EU, who are doing their damndest to derail Brexit. You have to ask yourself why. After all, if we really were that small, insignificant, county they are constantly trying to convince us that we are, then they would just let us go. Wouldn't they? They were very prepared to let Greece go after all...
Patience. 10 months. Then we can sit back and watch the idealistic Italian "alternate" parties smash themselves to pieces on the obdurate rock of EU intransigence.... And Smile...