Except that Bloomberg seems to be saying, today, that the EU itself is denying that.
The Commission, those wonderful people who put Barnier in as the negotiator, are saying that the EU won't be cut off from £41 Trillion of finance if we bang out with a Hard Brexit because of a thing called "equivalence".
What is Equivalence? It is where a 3rd country (non EU or EEA), applies the same, or similar, banking rules to the EU in order to operate banking services to the EU from their own country.
According to the European Commission, equivalence clauses are made for the mutual benefit of both EU and third country financial markets and institutions. As underlined in the recitals of the relevant legislative acts, equivalence clauses support three objectives: they reduce or even eliminate overlaps in regulatory compliance for the EU and/or the third-country entities concerned, they lead to considering certain services / products / activities of third countries’ firms as compliant with various objectives of the EU regulatory framework,
they allow to apply a less burdensome prudential regime in relation to EU financial institutions’ exposures to an equivalent third country.
Equivalence is therefore often conditional on reciprocity by the third-country
Erm, right. So the UK has EXACTLY THE SAME LAWS AS THE EU for Banking. So why would we be told, for 3 solid years, that if we left the EU it would be totally and completely impossible for our banks to provide financial services to the EU.
Ah, yes, it's up to the Commission. If they say NO then it's NO and that is the end of it. Or is it? Because it seems to me that the member states of the EU have had a little word in the shellike of the Commission and advised them that under no uncertain terms are the Commission to block them from £42 trillion of financing. Of "words will be had"...
Just another little fearmongering story biting the dust of reality.