Good morning Monday

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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Suff » 03 Dec 2012, 11:02

Morning all,

Hope you are all well and the move goes smoothly Kay.

I ate something which disagreed with me yesterday and today I'm not straying far from my bed today. Which is to say I'm stuck in a hotel room sized apartment all day.

It was freezing and snowing when I arrived last night and is still freezing today. The snow is staying on the cars but is clear on the roads and footpaths. Well it is Switzerland after all....
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby fudgie21 » 03 Dec 2012, 12:01

first slush of the winter here today, Esme is not impressed. Our last dog Paddy would leap about in snow like a loon but madam just tip toes about and looks as she wants someone to clean it up immeadiatly.
Nice relaxing day here after a busy one yesterday so enjoy whatever you are doing.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby elusivelaine » 03 Dec 2012, 15:05

I had to drive through dense fog to reach work this morning. The temps have been very warm for this time of year, but
I can't complain! :D 8-) I've spent the first hour cleaning the office. Will have more to do tonight and tomorrow before I'm finished. Not much else going on with me besides work today. Had a lovely weekend with my sister. That's about it!
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 03 Dec 2012, 16:27

I hope the move goes well Kaye 8-) xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JoM » 03 Dec 2012, 16:50

Good luck with the move Kaye!

Good afternoon everyone. It's quite bright and sunny here although we've had a few showers throughout the day - there's a gorgeous sunset over the common though which I've just seen from our landing window.

We put the trees up yesterday. I wasn't going to do the one in the downstairs living room window just yet because that room and the kitchen (plus the landings) are the only places that Billy can get into if we're all out and he does love looking out of that window. I was going to wait to do that one until the boys finished school on the 21st but you can't see the upstairs living room tree from the street and the house looked miserable compared to the others on the close so for now I've just strung some lights around it - and I was impressed to find it still standing when I came back from the gym this morning :lol:
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Aggers » 03 Dec 2012, 17:02

Good afternoon, all. Sorry I'm late. Been doing a few pre-Christmas jobs.

Hope the move-in goes smoothly, Kay. I bet you're excited.

It's cold here today and I have a feeling that we might see some snow before long.

Altogether now ... "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas".

Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 03 Dec 2012, 17:13

According to The Times today there have been more bets put on this year, betting on a white Christmas, than ever before :shock: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Gal » 03 Dec 2012, 20:03

Snow for us this morning :| I'm not a fan it's more a case of Urrrgh than Yayyy :lol:

And I went back to work after my week off, hence the quietness from me today :oops: ;)

Woken up early by Smudge who must be going through some sort of hyper teenage crisis - he is constantly naughty and when he isn't, he's asleep :roll: :lol:

One of my extremely important jobs at work today was to put up the tiny Christmas tree....looks quite festive 8-)


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