.... to be provided by the NHS.
The users of these facilities make a deliberate decision to go out and get blitzed. If 'drunk tanks' are needed let the users fund them 100%. It is not the responsibility of the public, via taxes, or the police and NHS to fork out for these things.
Being drunk and disorderly in a public place is a criminal offence punishable by fines or, in extreme circumstances, a prison sentence. It is time for those in authority, and especially the media, to stop softening the description of these degenerates by referring to them as 'revellers' or 'party goers' and to call a spade a spade.
It only takes a few of these morons to ruin an occasion for hundreds of others, often violently, and it is long past the time for them to be brought to book. Arrest them, charge them, take them to a drunk tank they pay for to sober up, then take them to court and fine them.
Stop pandering to them. They are not victims, those of us on the receiving end of their stupidity, are, and that goes for NHS and police staff as well as the public.