Morning all
Ally have a brilliant day
You too Jan
Jo, poor Bill - it's so upsetting and unfair
I've just seen Fraggle's double looking for adoption on a friend's Facebook
She's his absolute spit - totally gorgeous but we can't have three!
She's only two, and we've promised each other no more dogs, so we can be free to travel when Mick retires......
Enjoy the men in Lycra, Saundra
Crommers, I recommend an ear trumpet for one rellie, and stewed prunes for t'other
It's a bit overcast here today, but pleasantly warm
Been to FatFighters with B. I lost half a pound, which was a pleasant surprise lol.
B has been trying to get sense out of the receptionist at Vets 4 Pets, which is where Aunt J's cats are registered. B has taken on the task of rehoming them, but needs their medical histories so that new owners know what they are taking on. According to B the said receptionist is an idiot - although that's the edited version
Currently at Corretto's having a much needed cuppa and yummy brunch! They make the best turkey club sandwich bar none! Yum!
Have a good day everyone