Stupid people are everywhere.

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Re: Stupid people are everywhere.

Postby Kaz » 03 Dec 2012, 20:12

I heard a convo today in the nail bar that was making my hair curl - and I'm no prude :shock: :lol:

This young woman was on her mobile telling a friend all about her new job as a 'glamour' model, all about what she'd done, and how her mum doesn't approve.............. :shock: She was telling her all the details and honestly I tried not to listen - but really couldn't help it...................... :? :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Stupid people are everywhere.

Postby miasmum » 03 Dec 2012, 20:13

Brilliant :lol: :lol:
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Re: Stupid people are everywhere.

Postby Workingman » 03 Dec 2012, 20:21

I got sent this ages ago... I do not know if it is real or not. Mine was.

Old lady shopping.

"That will be £x.y pence, please"
"May I use my card?"
"Yes, of course, it goes in here. Thank you"
In goes the card.
"Now your PIN"
"Your PIN, to authorise payment. I need your PIN"
"But I don't have a pin"
"It should have come with your card"
Looks in bag
"I am sorry dear, I do not have a pin"
"It's a four digit secret number. The bank should have sent it separately"
"No, I do not think so, and if it is a secret I could not possibly know it"
"Well without a PIN you cannot use your card"
"Oh dear, this is a problem. I can use cash?"
"Yes, of course"
"Then I'll have £30 cash back, I have seen people do that. You do do cash back?"
"Well yes, but I would need your PIN for it to work"

:D :D :D
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Re: Stupid people are everywhere.

Postby Gal » 03 Dec 2012, 20:24

Awwwww, what's the betting she thought you meant an actual metal pin? :| :lol: Bless....

Kaz - :shock: :lol:


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