Wuhan virus.

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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby Workingman » 06 Feb 2020, 21:23

That, Kaz, shows me what the UK has become.

In my time we were shown how to comprehend what we were being told and to be able to analyse it and then form a conclusion based on the real 'facts' presented to us.

The new norm (and apparently accepted) is to be told what things are and to take them as gospel, whether they are factual or not is neither here nor there.
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby saundra » 06 Feb 2020, 22:31

Can't believe anybody these days WM just take everything with a pinch of salt like my mum used to say and hope for the best
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby Suff » 07 Feb 2020, 04:08

I second WM's statement about voting.

The problem is that some people just want a chance to cause trouble and some others can't sort media hype, to sell news, from reality.

For instance not enough is being made of the fact that the cruise ship off Japan now has 41 reported cases. People who have been feeling perfectly well were grumbling about lack of information. They were told they would need to self quaranteen for 14 days. What else did they need to know?

On top of that the infections are accelerating. With a 12 day incubation that was to be expected. It started as a few people a day, then a few hundred, now nearly 4,000 per day and we are not sure about secondary infections out of China, it has not been long enough.

But when all is said and done flu is the real enemy. But who can you blame for that?
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby cromwell » 07 Feb 2020, 09:16

Workingman wrote:In my time we were shown how to comprehend what we were being told and to be able to analyse it and then form a conclusion based on the real 'facts' presented to us.

The new norm (and apparently accepted) is to be told what things are and to take them as gospel, whether they are factual or not is neither here nor there.

I was looking for the uptick box for this!
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby cromwell » 07 Feb 2020, 09:40

Just a thought.
Those advocates of "open borders" are being pretty quiet at the moment.
Because open borders mean that yes, people and goods can move freely between countries. But they also mean that drugs, guns, illegal immigrants (sorry, "migrants") and disease can move freely as well.
As the coronavirus is proving.
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby TheOstrich » 07 Feb 2020, 18:45

Horrific video clips on the Beeb News tonight of Chinese residents who were suspected of being infected, and had refused to leave their homes for quarantine centres, being dragged (literally) kicking and screaming out into the street and being loaded by the Authorities into "detention boxes" mounted on the back of small pick up trucks. Completely dystopian.
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby Kaz » 07 Feb 2020, 19:27

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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby Workingman » 07 Feb 2020, 20:03

I am not sure what to say....

The Chinese gov't desperately wants 'suspected' infectives to be quarantined. That seems wise given the current situation.

Those suspected of being infected don't want to go to quarantine. Also understandable given that they might not be infected, but are likely to become so in a quarantine camp.

It is like an irresistible force and immovable object scenario, so I guess that force seemed like the only option for the government. :roll:
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby cromwell » 07 Feb 2020, 20:13

it has been pointed out that the corona virus crisis is having a knock on effect on the world's economy.
Since the proponents of globalism decided in their infinite wisdom to outsource manufacturing to the Far East, a tonne of stuff is now made in China.
So today the worlds largest car plant, the Hyundai works at Ulsan, Korea, shut down.
Why? Because the wiring harness that they use in the cars they make there is made in China. One of the workers at the Chinese manufacturer of the wiring loom has tested positive for the corona virus. So the Chinese plant has been shut down, so no parts for Hyundai.
And this is a scenario that is going to be repeated more the longer the crisis goes on.
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Re: Wuhan virus.

Postby TheOstrich » 07 Feb 2020, 22:33

…. which is another overwhelmingly good argument for being self-sufficient as a country and not relying on foreign trade.

And at what point in this current crisis do we actually suspend foreign travel in and out of the UK? Now? Never?
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