You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

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You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Workingman » 13 Feb 2020, 23:53

... you do the Hokey-Cokey.....

Bojo: "Rishi, Alok, Suella, George, Oli, Anne-Marie, Steph, Brandon, James, Penny, Chris. Come on in, sit down and welcome to the echo chamber.

It's a new day, erm a fine day, and we are about to, er, start out on a new, er, path. From today we will be, simul, ut unum, or something.

But enough from me. Please put your hands together for our new leader; Northie Red Wallers and other gentleplebs I give you:... Demonic Cummings

He is what you voted for, so let him crack on.... Dom will tell me what to do and I will do it on your behalf. I do love elections... when I win."
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Suff » 14 Feb 2020, 05:38

Well that is one view.

There was no question that the cabinet set up before the election was going to change after that win.

Everyone seems to think that Bojo is a rudderless ship being pulled from tide to tide by nameless faces.

Yet his terms as London Mayor, if you care to look, tend to show the opposite.

I do hope his ministers actually checked on how he runs government. Otherwise they are in for a big surprise.

Javid should have taken a much firmer line with his advisers. What happened is typical of Johnson in office. You pull for the team or you wind up in the stands.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Workingman » 14 Feb 2020, 13:50

I don't need to look, I already know.

He made glorious claims to have cut the murder rate and road traffic fatalities, which are true. However, they were also falling in the rest of the UK at the same time. He also claimed to have outbuilt Labour with more affordable homes. This is also true, but he changed the definition to include affordable rented accommodation and also reduced the target - from 23,000 down to 13,000, and even then he failed to hit it. Then there were the failures....

Pulling for the supporters and the team is not the same as pulling for the manager. You might be scoring boat loads of goals when he wants you at left back... so he decides to get rid even though the team is winning.

But the thing is you can shuffle and reshuffle rubbish as much as you like yet you still end up with rubbish.

From my and many others POV it looks as though the Johnson and Cummings are building a team of yes men and women - toe "our" line or you're out.

They did it prior to the election and probably will not stop until all dissenting voices are silenced - total control. They frighten me from a democracy standpoint.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Suff » 14 Feb 2020, 15:38

And the total anarchy of May's premiership?

I guess it depends on which one you prefer.

BTW, overall murders in the UK would be falling. If it were not for the incredibly large numbers of murders in London.... Which is spreading to the other cities as they see that they can get away with it.

Well Mr Khan, what are you going to do about it?

Nothing it seems....

But he is incredibly invested in his P.C. schemes.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Kaz » 14 Feb 2020, 19:03

Workingman wrote:
From my and many others POV it looks as though the Johnson and Cummings are building a team of yes men and women - toe "our" line or you're out.

They did it prior to the election and probably will not stop until all dissenting voices are silenced - total control. They frighten me from a democracy standpoint.

This! Absolutely :(
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby TheOstrich » 14 Feb 2020, 20:05

Suff wrote:And the total anarchy of May's premiership? I guess it depends on which one you prefer.

From my point of view, this!

We were in a total logjam, cats in a sack and the country was getting close to, if not actually, ungovernable.
We need clarity, we need direction, we need purpose. Demonic Cummings wouldn't be my ideal solution, but what was the alternative, Magic Grandpa and his Thought Police?

In passing, I confess I have never been a fan of Javid, but I will give a nod in his direction and say that he showed commendable integrity in resigning his post.
Just so long as he and his cohorts don't start stirring up trouble from the back benches.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Workingman » 14 Feb 2020, 21:08

TheOstrich wrote:Just so long as he and his cohorts don't start stirring up trouble from the back benches.

Now, you see, I take issue with that - mildly and politely of course. ;) :lol:

Government needs an opposition and at the moment neither Labour nor any other party are providing it, so it has to come from the Conservative back benches.

I am not saying that they should handcuff the government on all matters just that they should sometimes make it stop and think.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Suff » 15 Feb 2020, 11:27

Workingman wrote:

I am not saying that they should handcuff the government on all matters just that they should sometimes make it stop and think.

Give them an inch.

They are politicians, they crave power. We have just had a 3 year masterclass in that.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby medsec222 » 15 Feb 2020, 12:05

The last three years in the House of Commons must surely have turned many people off politics entirely. The country was ungovernable, with one side or the other determined to halt progress. I am not entirely sure about Boris - he may or may not live up to expectations and do a a good job. I like Sajid Javid and in my opinion he would have made a decent Chancellor. However, whilst I don't want to see a cabinet of yes men, I will be glad to see the end of a Prime Minister trying to govern with one hand tied behind his back. Whatever your politics, this surely can't be good for the country.

I saw Rishi Sunak several times on the news programmes during the election campaign. He seemed to come from nowhere but I liked him straight away and he managed to avoid digging a hole for himself during the campaign. Hopefully he will make a success of his new appointment. I was sorry to see Andrea Leadsom go and I am surprised no place was found for her in the cabinet.
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Re: You put your right arm in, you pull you right arm out...

Postby Workingman » 15 Feb 2020, 13:11

I look forward to Labour getting in with a huge majority and then nationalising everything, putting top level tax up to 60%, and tolling the motorways.

We will all be ever so supportive of our back bench MPs siting on their hands and saying nothing, wont we? We will be on the streets cheering them on! I mean if they ever opposed they would be paralysing the government or there would be anarchy, and we cannot have that, can we?

Banging on about May's time in office FFS! She created the problem with her opportunist general election over an unmentionable subject. We, the electorate, were almost evenly divided on it and so we handed back a hung parliament. It was not a normal political period and to use it as an excuse to support what the Johnson and Cummings are doing to our parliamentary democracy is pretty low.

There are many new faces in Westminster and these two are using a show of force because they know the newbies can be bullied into submission.
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