Good morning Monday

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Good morning Monday

Postby Ally » 22 Jun 2020, 04:41

Good morning.

Hot...and forecast 3 degrees hotter than yesterday. That's impossible! :lol:

Just leaving for a walk. Back for a swim then hiding till my lady wot does is finished. :lol:

Lazing, cold drinks and book by the pool for me. :lol:

Have a good day.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 22 Jun 2020, 06:07

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Going to be a rather warm day, so will get anything done first thing this morning.

Then doing not a lot, although I have to see a doc and not sure of the procedures now. Will e-mail them and see what I can find out.

If I do have to go to Ourique later, I'll get a cooked chicken for dinner, otherwise it's jacket potatoes :lol:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby cromwell » 22 Jun 2020, 08:14

Morning all. I hope you get the chicken Jan, I wouldn't fancy taties! Enjoy the book Ally.
Off to Sainsbo's shortly. My son and daughter visited yesterday with cards - I didn't even know it was father's day.
MrsC is off to her dad's this morning and our daughter's this afternoon, who is not sleeping well atm. I hope people appreciate how much she does for them. I think so.
It is a lovely morning here, sunny and warm. MrsC heard a lark first thing.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 22 Jun 2020, 09:08

We appreciate it Crommers, even if those she's helping don't 8-)
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 22 Jun 2020, 09:20

Cooked chicken it is :Hi:
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby meriad » 22 Jun 2020, 09:25

Morning all and happy Monday

Crommers, I am sure people do appreciate what Mrs C does - between you and her all you seem to do is 'do for others' with not much in return at times. But it would be nice to actually hear the words from people wouldn't it.... a simple "thank you so much for all you do" would go such a long way.

Jan, yay - I love roast chicken. :D
Ally, enjoy the relax day

Work for me, in between a quick cut of the hedge down the side of the foot path... the big hedge(s) at the front by the road desperately need chopping as well, but not sure how much I can get done today. Usually it's a weekend job but at the moment, weekends are busy with kitchen build. We had huge issues this weekend so are delayed quite a bit; there is not a single straight wall in my kitchen so getting the cupboards to line up was a nightmare and took an entire day vs the 1/2 day we were planning. Also the whole plumbing was redone so now it's all neater and closer to the wall and more accessible. But we'll get there - at least all the base units are now up and I have a feel for the size and it's so much better than I thought it would be - in fact I could have actually gone a size up on one or two of the units (ie 40cm larder vs 30cm) but hey ho - the space is lovely light and airy now; what a difference. I'll post photo's once it's all done as it's hard to get an idea at the moment

Have a lovely day all, stay safe x
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby jenniren » 22 Jun 2020, 11:20

Morning all :D

Lovely warm and sunny, but a bit breezy.

Crommers ditto what Jan and Ria said.
Ria all the hard work will be so worth it, we still get a thrill using our 'new' kitchen.

Not sure the wind's going to drop enough for us to put the umbrellas up outside and E need's shade. Not to worry, I'll bring outdoors in by opening the glass door across the back.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 22 Jun 2020, 11:25

Afternoon everyone :)

Had a busy morning as the man who trims our trees once a year turned up - he never makes appointments, just appears (which is very West Country and laid back :lol: ) so that delayed me getting my washing out. Also been out for a paper and a walk, and made my regular morning call to Doreen.

Crommers a little appreciation goes a long way, doesn't it? We do loads for D but she's very appreciative :(

Ria, can't wait to see the finished photos, I love new kitchens 8-)

Love to all xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Osc » 22 Jun 2020, 12:03

Afternoon all, the weather is a bit weird - cloudy, dampish, a bit windy, cool but warm :? however it does seem to be brightening up somewhat now. I drove Edward to the golf club, then came back and went for a walk. Since I came back, I have ordered stuff from Boots and am just about to get my lunch. I will let the afternoon take me where it wants (hopefully it wants me to sit and finish my book ;) )
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Gal2 » 22 Jun 2020, 14:57

Hi all - have had THE best day!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Jen and I finally got to go for our walk/picnic!! :D :D :D I haven't seen her since the very beginning of March so it's been a long time coming! Suffice to say we never shut up, except to eat - and although not bright sunshine, and a bit of a breeze, it stayed dry and fine for us 8-) Soooo happy to see her, even without a hug!! Unlike bloody Amy, she sent my Tom a pic last night of her Tom in the hot tub with Lily right beside him!!! Grrrr!!!!! I can't believe Donna is happy for this to happen, her being in the position she's in.

I think it has to improve from tomorrow weather wise, today has been ok but not the wall-to-wall sunshine I was expecting. At least it's not wet.

Also Tom is having a 'normal' working week - happy days!!

Yes it's lovely to have a thank you now and again, when you do stuff for people.
Ria I'm another who is very much looking forward to pics from your new kitchen, yes it's a pain when you're going through it but once it's finished....

Have a good one xxx
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