Evening all! Just remembered I was going to do a zoom pilates class at 6!! Doh!!!

I had a nice walk at lunchtime, just a local one and not even 10K steps but it was nice all the same. You remember my ankle problem? Well my whole foot now looks to be swollen, no bruising that I can see, just a little pain, but I just got Tom to take a pic and it's definitely bigger than the other one! What to do next?? I did Google....and wish I hadn't

I've sat in the garden this pm....Tom's been to work this past 2 days, for a whole day! Can't remember him doing that In ages. I've changed the bed, put a new king size quilt on the double bed so it hangs over the sides nicer, and obv had to buy a KS duvet set, very pleased with how it looks!
Also I'd been watching Mad Men on Netflix until it was stopped. Just as I got one season watched! Kyle has made me a little box with all of the seasons on it!! Jen gave it me yesterday, I had to plug it in and then find a HDMI plug socket on the tv, and away I went! So I watched another ep this morning but it was too nice to sit indoors.