Afternoon everyone

Yet again I was sure I'd already posted today, but hadn't - it might help if I knew what day it was
Ally my dogs would love that park - or at least Fraggle would, Pepper would just watch him with disdain, and box his ears if he got too lairy!
Jan, hope you get your post sorted, that's not a bad suggestion from Molly!
Hi Molly, good to see you

Hope you get your broadband sorted Cruiser

Snap, Crommers! Chicken salad for dinner here too later

Saundra, same here. I had a rotten night's sleep so didn't do Zumba. Hope you enjoy the garden xxx
Jo, if you could see us here, me and B both have fans pointed at us, and we've also drawn the blinds

Mick took the pups out early this morning, B won't give them their usual afternoon/early evening one, they'll go out much later on xx
Ossie, it must be really hard doing manual work in masks in this heat

Glad your washing machine came though!
Definitely a garden day Jen, we had our lunch out on the decking

So as mentioned above, I didn't do Zumba this morning, I felt drained from a bad night's sleep - I got my ironing done instead, while it was cool enough to bear it

Had a short walk to the garage to get a newspaper, and that's about it
Love to all
