Good morning Wednesday

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Good morning Wednesday

Postby Ally » 24 Jun 2020, 04:32

Good morning.

Hot. 8-)

Off for my walk.

Back for a swim then lazing by the pool, in the shade, with cold drinks and my book. :D

Final of Sewing Bee tonight.

Have a great day.

Awwwww....just back from my walk and I noticed they must have opened the parks yesterday.

On my route I pass a couple of kiddies parks and they were open and so was the skate park.

I'm happy to say social distancing and mask wearing where deemed obligitary are being adhered to.

There's also a dog park :lol: that had not long been completed before lockdown and I noticed that had reopened. Lots of hoops, tunnels, bridges etc for dogs to enjoy. :lol:

Wonder if they'll wear masks. :lol:
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby JanB » 24 Jun 2020, 07:07

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Hazy start but that's sort of disappeared into the distance and the sun is out. Another warm day 8-)

Off to a shortened run around Ourique later, only the library :Hi: chemist and Pingo. Pit stop for coffee on our way back. Still not getting any post, even though all the post boxes have now been fitted with a front and issued to locals.

Trying a new recipe tonight, thought I'd do some cooking for a change :lol:

Sounds good for the dogs Ally :D

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby cruiser2 » 24 Jun 2020, 07:39

Good morning everybody,

Itis getting hot. Will be sunbathing this aftrnoon when the sun gets to the back garden

Having a phone call his morning abot my broadband. The existing contract is up shortly. Am seeing what Bt can offer.
Have had discusions with Virgin. Decided not to have them as they will have to dig up flags on the front garden to get the cable to the house.
They then said they would through the cable over the garage roof and kitchen extension to get the TV cable to the back of the house. So there would
be a cable on the gargae roof about 10 meters long which would not be clipped to the wall.
They would also have to drill more holes to connect the existing phones to heir system.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby cromwell » 24 Jun 2020, 08:13

Morning all. Not quite as hot as Spain or Portugal yet but definitely very warm. A doggie park! Hopefully your mail will get sorted soon Jan.
Have you considered BT Cruiser or are you with them already?
MrsC has gone off on a B & M dawn raid, I will be cooking a bolognese for the freezer and it will be chicken salad tonight.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby saundra » 24 Jun 2020, 08:47

Morning all we have sunshine had a bad night sleep wise to hot
Garden for me
Have a good day all
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby JoM » 24 Jun 2020, 10:09

Good morning all, it’s hot here. I’m getting that jobs done this morning so that I can close the blinds and sit in from the of the fan this afternoon.

Bill had a long and early walk, I’ll see what the temperature is like at around 9pm before walking him again. The Tesco delivery is coming between 1 and 2 today and there’s also an Amazon delivery due but that should go through the letterbox, it’s just some skewers.

Have a good day all x
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby TheOstrich » 24 Jun 2020, 10:58

Good morning - a cloudless sky and very hot out there.

The replacement washing machine arrived Monday afternoon, all very efficient, installed and the old one taken away. They have only just resumed doing the installation / removals service. Both operatives were masked up and we had the back gate open and kitchen all prepared for them and just left them to it. I was out front tackling the Dreaded Weed (see Gardens thread :D ) and when they finished asked them if they wanted any signature. They said no, they had dispensed with that due to the virus. I asked them how they were getting on using face masks, whereupon they both ripped them off and said "Bleddy horrible!" :D I think the main grouse was that during the morning, they'd been installing several appliances in a conservatory / utility room somewhere, it had been a fairly difficult job taking over an hour, and the room had just got hotter and hotter ….. ours was a straightforward "in and out" job, so that had been a relief to them.

We spent Tuesday studying the instructions and doing the "first wash", a high-temperature run with water only as recommended in the Book of Words. Today we've caught up outstanding laundry and done two washing loads which are out on the line - the wash cycle does seem to take longer than the old machine, but it is much quieter, apart from the loud beeps to tell you when its finished, which sound like a truck reversing! :shock:

Nothing else scheduled for today due to the heat! We might do a bit of desultory furniture-shifting later on in preparation for next week's painting.

Annoying about the post, Jan.
We're with BT for broadband, Cruiser, but it seems that no matter what the innovations in fibre-optic and speed are, we won't see any benefit anytime soon as the last 1/2 mile or so is still copper cable. Broadband / mobile phone connectivity is a huge bone of contention in town generally, with TalkTalk regularly being slated for outages. I believe that seems to be because there are too many TalkTalk subscribers and too few TalkTalk "points" in the green streetside telephone junction boxes .... but what do I know? :)

Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby jenniren » 24 Jun 2020, 11:21

Morning all :D

Another glorious day 8-)

Hope you start getting your post soon Jan.
We're really lucky with our broadband Cruiser. We've been with sky for a long time and rarely have problems.
(((Saundra))) have a hug, a bad night is never nice xx
Glad your new washing machine is installed and working well Ossie.

It's definitely a garden day, we really enjoy sitting out enjoying the fresh air and watching the birds.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby molly » 24 Jun 2020, 11:36

JanB wrote:Still not getting any post, even though all the post boxes have now been fitted with a front and issued to locals.

Have you tried posting yourself a letter to see if you get it?
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 24 Jun 2020, 12:53

Afternoon everyone :)

Yet again I was sure I'd already posted today, but hadn't - it might help if I knew what day it was :roll: :cute: :lol: :lol:

Ally my dogs would love that park - or at least Fraggle would, Pepper would just watch him with disdain, and box his ears if he got too lairy! :roll: :lol:

Jan, hope you get your post sorted, that's not a bad suggestion from Molly! :idea:

Hi Molly, good to see you :D

Hope you get your broadband sorted Cruiser :)

Snap, Crommers! Chicken salad for dinner here too later :D

Saundra, same here. I had a rotten night's sleep so didn't do Zumba. Hope you enjoy the garden xxx

Jo, if you could see us here, me and B both have fans pointed at us, and we've also drawn the blinds 8-) Mick took the pups out early this morning, B won't give them their usual afternoon/early evening one, they'll go out much later on xx

Ossie, it must be really hard doing manual work in masks in this heat :( Glad your washing machine came though! :D

Definitely a garden day Jen, we had our lunch out on the decking :)

So as mentioned above, I didn't do Zumba this morning, I felt drained from a bad night's sleep - I got my ironing done instead, while it was cool enough to bear it :? :lol: Had a short walk to the garage to get a newspaper, and that's about it :lol:

Love to all :) xxx
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