Sometimes you just have to block

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Sometimes you just have to block

Postby Osc » 24 Jun 2020, 17:35

Today I blocked someone on FB and Twitter. I know her since Femail, she would be known to many of you. She has become increasingly racist, slavishly pro-Boris and the other day, she shared an egregious post about George Floyd. So I have decided that my timeline would be improved with her no longer on it. She’s gone :D :D
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Re: Sometimes you just have to block

Postby TheOstrich » 24 Jun 2020, 17:56

Yes, sometimes you do.

I recently decided to e-mail block someone known to us from our Birmingham days who has been madly peddling 5G conspiracy theories to all his contacts. It was becoming extremely tedious .....
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Re: Sometimes you just have to block

Postby JanB » 24 Jun 2020, 21:06

I've done the same Osc, recently.

Think some people just have too much time on their hands and don't know what to do with it, so end up talking rubbish 8-)
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Re: Sometimes you just have to block

Postby saundra » 25 Jun 2020, 07:33

I just ignore them
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Re: Sometimes you just have to block

Postby cromwell » 25 Jun 2020, 08:05

Facebook brings out the worst in some people. They must never be off it. I'm continually bombarded with anti-Trump, anti-Boris, anti-Brexit stuff, plus people going on about Islam, Black Lives Matter etc. Another man I knew from school constantly shares posts on mental health.
One lady said how shocked she was when she found out that some of her friends didn't hate Trump.
Why? People have different views.
I have views on politics too but I'm not constantly bombarding people on fb with them, to the point of exasperation.
Social media can be poisonous at times.
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Re: Sometimes you just have to block

Postby meriad » 25 Jun 2020, 09:57

Spot on Crommers.... I use FB a lot and but find more and more that I'm sticking to certain groups I've joined; allotment owners, chicken owners, cat owners etc... so much nicer.
But thankfully most of my friends are very open about other peoples' opinions so its OK. And those that aren't and go off on tangents I just ignore - and FB soon doesn't show their posts
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Re: Sometimes you just have to block

Postby Workingman » 25 Jun 2020, 11:18

I deactivated my FB account or thought I had, though family members tell me my profile is still visible - hey-ho. At least I do not now get loads of notifications telling me that Alish had a latte and blueberry muffin in a Banbury cafe. "How loverly" " Did you have sugar" "Sugar is the Devil's drug, you need stevia" "Stevia is rabbit food" "Ooh, rabbit stew" "You forking MURDERER!" "Yeah, watch your back rabbit killer, we know where you are" ............

It was the most tedious exercise I have ever undertaken, a sort of cross between primary school and a drunken lock-in. I have never even visited Twitter or any of the other SM sites. The bits I see as 'filler' in written articles tell me enough to stay away.

There are plenty of local interest sites to potter with and VV has a great feel for the nationwide stuff.
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