My chickens

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My chickens

Postby meriad » 29 Jun 2020, 18:47

have been such a joy during this lock down.....OK, their eggs in all honesty :D . In the past I'd give eggs to my neighbours by way of apology for the noise they make - eggs always gratefully accepted. Then lock down happened and I was able to continue to provide eggs when they were in rather short supply in the shops; added one neighbour to the list ... but by far, the absolute best has been handing them out as a thank you to people.

My Ikea kitchen when it was finally delivered - no cash on me as a tip (a lot of boxes and not easy work in the weather and wearing face masks), so fresh eggs and home made biscuits offered instead
Various online deliveries - people working and exposing themselves to the virus whilst we're sitting at home merrily clicking away - thank you by way of eggs
Mr Postman, did a special return when he saw me in my car coming home, to deliver a parcel - eggs to say thanks

just a few examples and every time the recipient has been so very happy and pleased.

Tonight I placed an online order for some groceries (funnily enough - fresh veg for the chickens :D ) and the driver was so friendly and lovely and I found out they don't get tipped, so - 6 eggs by way of thanks. The smile on his face said it all.

So proud of my girls (we need a heart emoji here!) :D xxx
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Re: My chickens

Postby JanB » 29 Jun 2020, 19:12

That's just lovely Ria :Hi: :Hi:

We get our eggs from Ana Cristina and Jose Felipe every week, but then we met Mitchell on Saturday and now have six bantam eggs too :lol:
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Re: My chickens

Postby Workingman » 29 Jun 2020, 19:23

Flour and f-r eggs were at a premium for ages when the lockdown started. There were sometimes caged hen eggs but I will not buy them. Then Ally next door mentioned that the deli on the parade had eggs. They have some brown streaks of whatever and bits of feathers on them but they are gorgeous. I will not be going back to supermarket eggs even though they are cheaper, and I have become addicted to something they sell called haslet with a dollop of piccalilli.

I love the idea of people being tipped with your very own fresh eggs, Ria, it's a nice touch even though it's a bit "out there". :D :D :D
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Re: My chickens

Postby cromwell » 29 Jun 2020, 19:30

That's nice Ria, and also nice that your kind gestures are appreciated.
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Re: My chickens

Postby saundra » 29 Jun 2020, 19:35

That is so lovely ria brings a tear to my eye
My grandma used to keep chickens and mixed big buckets of feed for them all hot stuff I'm talking the 50s
Frank haslet is from Lincolnshire my home country
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Re: My chickens

Postby Kaz » 29 Jun 2020, 20:01

Ria, they will have been delighted with such a lovely gift! We've been lucky down here, eggs were only in short supply right at the beginning of lockdown, but I know it's been a different story elsewhere.
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Re: My chickens

Postby Kaz » 29 Jun 2020, 20:03

saundra wrote:That is so lovely ria brings a tear to my eye
My grandma used to keep chickens and mixed big buckets of feed for them all hot stuff I'm talking the 50s
Frank haslet is from Lincolnshire my home country

My Nanny P (greatgrandma) who raised my dad kept chickens when I was little, as did one of my aunties. To be honest I was always a bit wary of them, I preferred her bunnies :)
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Re: My chickens

Postby Ally » 29 Jun 2020, 20:44

That's lovely Ria....but that's you all over. Lovely. :D

One of our neighbours gives us a never ending supply of eggs. They are so delicious.

I give her lemons and limes....and the odd word in English. :lol:

It's been years since I bought eggs from the supermarket.

What's Haslet?
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Re: My chickens

Postby JoM » 29 Jun 2020, 21:00

How many do they usually pay, Ria?

I must admit that the egg situation was so bad around here that I considered getting some chickens, it’s only in the last two weeks that Tesco have had eggs available when I’ve placed my order and typically, after 23 years of turning his nose up at eggs, Tom’s now decided (since they started to get difficult to find) to eat them for breakfast most days and we go through more than ever!

Haven’t had haslet for years Frank, I know my Dad still buys it from the little butchers by them though. Al, it’s pork with herbs and spices, it looks a bit like a sliced meatloaf.
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Re: My chickens

Postby JanB » 29 Jun 2020, 21:07

We have a form of haslet here, didn't like it in England and the stuff over here is worse, although Grumpy likes it :roll:
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