Sparked by something Meds said.
Timing has a lot to do with success in politics, hasn't it?
John Major won an election in 1992 because the Tories had knifed Margaret Thatcher. Major was out of the way recuperating from having his wisdom teeth out whilst all the Heseltine bloodletting went on - nice timing.
The in 1997 Tony Blair won a massive majority in the election. But really, Labour could have been led by Mickey the Monkey and they would have still won. The Tories had been in for 18 years and the national mood was very much "let the other lot have a go". Blair got lucky; if John Smith had been alive Blair would be a minor figure in political history.
Then Gordon Brown; he was going to be a great Prime Minister. When Blair finally stepped down, Brown stepped up - and walked straight into the global financial crash of 2008. Unlucky timing!
Conversely Cameron walked into the Tory leadership and into a minority government in 2010, after Labour had been in for 13 years and the Brown government had been torpedoed by him calling an ordinary Labour voter a bigot. Lucky Dave!
Then Johnson gets the job after the May had contrived to lose the Tories parliamentary majority.
And he walks into Covid. Oh dear.
I don't know who will win the next election but I'm not sure that they will like having to deal with the situation that they inherit!