by Workingman » 05 Oct 2020, 15:00
Try ChAdOx1, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, AZD1222 or SARS-CoV-2 as search terms.
The cases of transverse myelitis were found in the UK cohort of 10,246 volunteers. It is treatable but not curable and in the worst cases can cause permanent disability. The list of vectors for infection is massive - hence the caution. The same could be said for a volunteer coming down with Covid-19. Was if caused by the vaccine (v. unlikely) or did they catch it going to the lab?
The problem for the team is that the volunteers are not in clinical solitary confinement. They are out and about, but with strict conditions. My son is a research doctor working in the same lab as the vaccine team and lives in the same apartment block as two of the P 3 volunteers.