Does anyone use snail mail any more except for the odd occasion?
I can't have sent more than a handful of letters over the past few years. Texts, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, phones, even email, have taken over from traditional forms of communication for the majority of us. The price of a stamp is no big deal.
Most of the mail we now get from utilities, government departments, the council and so on is printed, registered and sorted before it gets to Royal Mail. They pay in bulk for the door-to-door delivery. As far as the overall mail system is concerned we individuals are small beer.
E used to get 50 1st class stamps every Christmas when he was a postie. He always said it must be the only firm that gave a bonus with one hand and then took it back
I'll be getting a couple of books with my next supermarket order.
Postage is outrageous! A man in front of me at the local PO this morning osted three small parcel to the US and it cost him over £30 They weren't heavy, as he had to disclose the contents before they could be accepted I posted three Xmas cards abroad, and it was over a fiver!
I was about to say "Even Dick Turpin wore a mask" but then don't we all these days?