Well guess who's had snow!!!
Quite a lot, this morning was hectic as nothing could get off the estate, it seemed to come down pretty fast between about 4 and 8am. Not had anything since, but even though it's thawing lots, there is still a lot about. Estate roads are clear though! And it's sunny
So I was debating whether to chance it to try and get into Durham for my coffee chat/walk with Jen...decided I would, got all ready with about 15 minutes before I was due to leave, when she text to change the plans. Ah well, same again this Thursday - HOPEFULLY the snow will stay away!! I hate driving in it!!
I have replaced the downstairs loo seat that I bought yesterday - what a palaver to get the old one off though!!! At least it's done now and looks tons better....also made up my little 'sofa table' from B&M.
I've also (skip this bit if you're eating!!) done my bowel cancer screening test that I received in the post on Christmas Eve!!! I wanted to make sure I was home alone, and as Tom's back to work today, it was the right time. Fingers crossed I get a negative result!
Kaz that's what I always do - a good long walk followed by a coffee and cake!
No wonder I'm not losing weight
Hope your test is negative Ally - enjoy the snow!!!
Have a lovely rest of Tuesday xxx