There are reports that Japan has approved the release of water used to cool the plant after the earthquake and tsunami of 2011.
The media describes it as 1 million tonnes of contaminated and radioactive water equivalent to 500 Olympic sized swimming pools dumped in the sea. There, that's scared you all. Job done.
Very little is said about what it actually means.
It is treated water with most of the strong radiating isotopes removed - they will be vitrified and buried deep underground. The water will be diluted so that the remaining isotope, tritium, is below that set for drinking water, and the process will take two decades. Tritium, btw, is a beta emitter and its radiated electron can be stopped by a few centimetres of water - it has a half-life of 12.5 years. The volume of the oceans is thought to be 1.332 billion cubic kilometres. I have no idea what that is in swimming pools, but a few more than 500.
The amount of radiation about to be released is a minuscule, tiny fraction of that released by the nuclear tests carried out in the Pacific by the US, UK and France when developing nuclear weapons. It is also lower than that found in some water courses in the UK due to Radon in places such as Devon and Cornwall, the upper Pennines, and the Grampians and Aberdeenshire.
But never mind facts. It is contaminated and radioactive so it's going to kill us all.