"I'm in the "do whatever it takes" camp..."
As with sealing off whole districts as they do in Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, South Korea and other places? If that is what it takes, then yes, do it. Quarantine the areas of concern, with curfews, no one in - no one out. Control it and stop it spreading nationally, and of course vaccinate - the offer is there.
Unfortunately we will not do it, nor stop international travel, because we do not have the backbone. We don't want to upset anyone, do we?
"The only people hyping this up are the usual scientific suspects and the press."
Not so. It was the government that called last night's emergency conference and it was the PM who warned that it could make it more difficult to move to step four in June and that there was "the risk of disruption and delay"; his words, not the usual "sources say" we would get from the media. The timeline I provided shows where we are and why. Scientists and the media played no part in that happenstance, it is government owned.
Monday's easing goes ahead, but there are no guarantees for the future, as Cromwell points out.