I was driving towards the Asda car park entrance when this car in the car park mounted the curb and hit a tree, then came again only the second time it was slow and the curb stopped the car.
I originally thought that it was some nut jobs trying to get out over the verge because of the queues at the entrance, but no.
An old lady had had an issue and couldn't remember what happened. She was a bit shook up and more than a bit out of it, but luckily her neighbour was nearby in the car park and had also seen it, Between us we made sure she was as well as we could then we formed a plan.
He drove her home in her car with me following. We made sure she was OK, sat her down and made a cuppa, called the RAC because the radiator had a slow leak, called the doc who will call in and check on her, and called her daughter to come round and give her some support. I then took the neighbour back to Asda to pick up his car and we continued our shopping.
She's 89 and the neighbour is going to have a word with her daughter about her driving. What was it? It could have been a very mild stroke, even a mini-mal fit or a simple short blackout.
Hopefully she will be fine, but most of all that she can be talked out of driving. There comes a time for us all to give up.