The director of the CBI says that in order for the UK economy to grow it needs more migrant workers. No explanation, just that it needs more.
However, Sunak claimed that the focus should be on British workers and Starmer says that it needs a pragmatic policy to end "cheap labour" and end immigration dependency.
No guessing which views I support.
However, to be able to go down the politician's route there needs to be a massive overhaul in how Jobseekers' allowances work. If the idea is to strong-arm people into work It has to be made easier for them to move around the country to where the jobs are, with travel help and setting up a new place to live. It also has to be accepted that a lot of the work will be on temporary contracts so that when one ends the former claimant can go back on JSA immediately and not have to wait six weeks.
There are issues with what Sunak and Starmer are saying, but with a bit of will they can be overcome.