Good Morning Sunday

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Good Morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 13 Aug 2023, 06:25

Morning everyone

Sunny and warm already, although we're down quite a few degrees today at only 33C :shock:

Grumpy out putting up more poles for he car port and I've got washing out.

I'll be cutting back some of the ice plant this morning and chucking over the fence for the sheep, they love it :D

Lazy afternoon again.

How's E doing Jen?

Have a good day everyone,whatever you'e doing xx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby cruiser2 » 13 Aug 2023, 07:37

Good morning Janb and anybody elsewhois up.

te sun is out and the termometer says it is 21C. So may be able to wash tha car. Am tydying up as i have not been putting things away like I should.

Willalso have to take the dead floweres off the Evening Primrose. It shuld be done everyday.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby Osc » 13 Aug 2023, 08:23

Morning all from Southampton. We had a long but enjoyable day yesterday. The weather here was the worst we have ever had in Southampton, cloudy, chilly and occasional rain. Today looks better though, although it’s hard to tell as the hotel is covered in scaffolding and that material to protect the windows - however Edward has gone to have a look while I finish putting stuff back in the cases.

We were lucky yesterday and got an early check in, we had time for a bit of a nap while our friends were still on the road. We had had some breakfast at Bills and thought the evening menu looked ok, so when M and M arrived, we walked to Bills, looked at the menu and then booked it for the evening. I think someone one on here was talking about it a while ago. Then we went to the Seacity museum which we all enjoyed, lots of Titanic stuff. Then back here for another little rest before going out to eat. We had a lovely relaxed meal with lots of laughs - M had brought photos from when we first met at the Grand Canyon in 2000 so great memories and plenty of chat of other times we visited each others homes. Edward and I finally started to really flag at about 8.30 (3am starts take it out of you) so they were happy to go back to the hotel with us. We have brekkie booked for 9.45 and not sure what we’ll do then. We have a check in time of 3.15 for the ship, don’t know why it is so ridiculously late, so we’ll go along earlier and take our chances. Hoping for calm seas on the Bay of Biscay!
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby cromwell » 13 Aug 2023, 10:08

Morning all, it's coming a bit dark atm.
Enjoy the warmth Jan. Safe travels Osc, I hope the sea stays calm. I should really wash the car too Cruiser.
Our daughter and family are coming round for dinner today which will be nice.
Our son played a gig last night. He's joined a band that plays at weddings. The wedding yesterday was between two women, the theme of the wedding was the Mad Hatter's tea party. He said it was wonderful, everyone very friendly and happy.
Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby jenniren » 13 Aug 2023, 11:15

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny 8-)

Ed's knee is doing really well thanks Jan, he's now getting round the house unaided. Having said that he's managed to hurt his thumb, goodness knows how, and the whole of that hand is really swollen. He's using ice packs and taking painkillers which helps, but looking at it, I think it's going to take a few days to ease. It means he can't use his crutches or a stick which means he won't be getting out for a walk until it heals. Men, nothing but trouble :lol:

Not much happening, roast chicken with salad for dinner this evening, ice cream for pud.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 13 Aug 2023, 11:27

Love it when the temperature is low enough that we can do stuff outside.

Grumpy making good progress on the new car port and I fed the sheep their ice plants :lol: I had a very fetching look, t-shirt, shorts and boots :shock: as I was on the bank and flip flops just don't work on slopes :lol:

I also managed to fill one black bag with cuttings from the spikey things we have everywhere - palm type things. But the sheep have eaten one :o :shock: It was two feet tall and I though it was far enough away from the fence, but no, they've had it. Stalk, the lot :roll: :lol:

Glad E is getting on well Jen, apart from the thumb. I've also hurt a toe, walking into the sofa this morning, so hobbling :lol:

Getting a bit too warm to work outside, so inside with an ice-cream, then pool later.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby Kaz » 13 Aug 2023, 16:03

Afternoon everyone :)

Glad you've got comfortable weather Jan :) xx

Have a good day doing your bits and bobs, Cruiser xx

Osc we have a Bill's here in the Quays, I've only ever had a lot of tea and a teacake there, but B and some friends had a lovely brunch there a while back and the food was very good! Bon voyage!! :D xx

That wedding sounds fun Crommers, and what a fun new thing for your son to be doing :) He's a guitarist, I seem to remember? xx

I hope E's hand is better soon Jen - good news about his knee :) xx

It's a fine day here, sunny and blowy :) We had breakfast outside Corretto's then walked the pooch round the water - it's pretty down by the water when the sun shines, lots of brightly coloured barges and boats 8-) Round to see D afterwards.

Since getting home we've had chicken and roast veg for a late lunch/early dinner, I've stripped the bed and washed the bedding, dried and folded it away. Becky's done a big batch cook for the garage freezer - our kitchen fridge freezer is dying a death so we're not using the freezer part at the moment, the new one is coming next Monday.

Love to all xxx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby saundra » 13 Aug 2023, 18:07

Evening all weather been nice washing dry
Every thing good until I went to cook tea
Got a packet of frozen peas out the freezer was open peas all over the kitchen floor gave up had a cheese sarnie after I had hovered every where
Need a cuppa
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby JoM » 13 Aug 2023, 20:23

Evening all, it’s a humid one.

John and the lads have been in Wales all weekend so I’ve been doing a jigsaw which Tom gave me for my birthday.

We’ve been trying to find information about John’s paternal grandad who was born and grew up in Dublin (before moving to Glasgow when he was about 30) so we’ve found a few addresses of places the family lived and being a pair of nosey devils we’ve booked flights for a day with an overnight stay so we can do some proper research/looking around.

Rosie, I’ve sent Joe a link to that museum. He’s always been interested in the Titanic ever since he was small and he’s very interested in visiting seeing as he’s now down in that part of the world every two weeks.
He was looking at a Lego model of it the other week - nearly £600! :shock:
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