A poll carried out by King's College London and Ipsos shows that almost two thirds of us think that politicians (and others) use different "cultures" (colour, ethnicity, gender) to divide and rule and to deflect from other more serious issues of the day.
Was it ever otherwise?
Then there is the flip side of "inclusivity and diversity" - we are all the same - and all politicians, the media and advertisers are involved.
Look at any image to a general article on any subject on websites or the papers and magazines and it will be of a female. It is also more often than not an ethnic female.
If you watch TV tonight and you will see loads of multi-culti families or "diverse" groups of besties.
Sorry folks, but there are so many cultural and religious divisions between us for the "woke" dream to come to pass.
Woke" is now used a term of derision, and rightly so.
Go to other countries or continents and see their take on things. Loads of different minority peoples in their ads - not a chance