Good morning Thursday

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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 06 Dec 2012, 14:55

Yep you can bet on that! :roll: :lol:

Well no sign of Argos yet, although I have had a Royal Mail parcel, so it was good I was home to sign for that! 8-) On the plus side though I have written all my Christmas cards .......Yayyyy!!!!!........ hoovered through the house, done a wash which is tumbling now, and am having ten minutes on here before tackling the ironing :roll: :lol:

Pepper just went bananas! The biggest, fattest, hairiest tabby cat I've even seen just strolled nonchalantly past my patio doors! That is until Pepper hurled herself at them, barking, and the cat shot off like a rocket :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JoM » 06 Dec 2012, 15:12

Good afternoon all, what a chilly one it is too! It's dry but rain is forecast for later.

I've been to the gym and taken Billy for a long walk over the common where the mud is now frozen hard so we've not needed our towel fight when we've got home :lol:

Tonight we've got to go to the school for the 6th form open evening. I know teachers have homes to go to but I do wish that once in a while they'd schedule things for later in the evening. We need to be there for 6pm and it's a major struggle for John to even leave work by then, even though he's supposed to finish at 5pm. We have the same on Tuesday too as it's Tom's parents' evening and the last available appointments are 6.25pm with a 6.30 finish :roll: :evil:

Hope Bb feels better soon Di, that sounds very uncomfortable :?

Have a lovely time Loz!
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 06 Dec 2012, 15:27

Oh yes that does sound horrid :( My best wishes to Bb, Di xxxx
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