Good morning Wednesday

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Good morning Wednesday

Postby Ally » 03 Apr 2024, 06:39

Good morning.

Wall to wall sunshine and forecast 24°. 8-)

I'll go for my walk shortly.

Conor's coming over late afternoon and we're going out for a couple of beers and a bite to eat. :D

TV tonight.

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby JanB » 03 Apr 2024, 08:12

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Sunny with a few misty bits around and 22C for us. And no wind :Hi:

Woken up in the early hours by Grumpy, thrashing around, shouting and then the sound of breaking glass. He was having a bad dream - which he can't remember - and he'd thrown his arms around quite wildly and broken the glass light shade on the bedside cabinet :o

Cue the cat using my leg as a springboard and me having to shout at him to wake him up :roll:

I swept up as best I could, being half asleep myself, and cleaned up the blood on the floor, dripping from my leg :roll: :roll:

This morning, had to sweep up again as I found bits everywhere. Amazing how glass travels on a tiled floor :lol:

After all of that, we both managed to get back to sleep :D

Off to Ourique, to do the supermarkets and chemist. Need to pop in to see Joao, the metal man, as he will have made a couple of braces for the new car port. Back for coffee and then breakfast.

Much nicer day, so should be able to get out in the garden to do some much needed cleaning up. Will take a few days though :roll:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 03 Apr 2024, 08:26

Morning all :)

Enjoy, Ally :D xx

Blimey Jan, what a way to wake up :shock: Glad you're ok! xx

Meeting my friend J in M&S for a cuppa, then will probably walk up to D's to meet Mick. He's still got a few bits on the go in D's garden, he and Jeff are rebuilding the pergola this coming weekend.Will

Have a good day everyone :) xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby cruiser2 » 03 Apr 2024, 08:31

Good morning Ally & JanB and any body else who is up.

It was 15C when I got up. It had been raining but the sun is trying to come out past the grey clouds. Going out for acouple of things. Then back just pootling.

Too wet to go out in the garden. Can find lots to do in the house.

Have a good day everybody
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby cromwell » 03 Apr 2024, 08:38

Good morning all.
Grey. Cold. Rainy.
We have Eliza again today. We were going to take her to pontefract castle, but it looks a bit grim out there atm. We'll see.
Ally, it must be really nice to be able to walk out and enjoy a bit of cafe society.
Jan - crikey!
Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Osc » 03 Apr 2024, 09:52

Morning all, it’s cold and miserable here, not raining at the moment but there will be rain I’m sure. Today’s list involves cleaning the bathrooms, putting washing in and out of the machine, preparing for my day trip to Cork tomorrow, and I’m having my nails done at 3pm. But first - shower and hair wash.

Gosh Jan :o what a fright you must have got!
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby meriad » 03 Apr 2024, 10:04

Hello and good morning all

Jeez Jan, what a way to be woken up! That must have been some dream Grumpy was having :(
Ally, enjoy the afternoon with Conor x
Kaz, hope you have a good day and (if it's anything like here) that the weather holds so you can get to D without getting wet
Cruiser - same here; it's just amazing how much there is always to be done in the house
Crommers, hope you find something to do with Eliza.
Osc, hope you manage to get everything done you want to; and you remind me I need to make a nail appointment for myself

Well another wfh day for me so the usual mix of work and pootle; nothing exciting going on

have a lovely day all x
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby jenniren » 03 Apr 2024, 11:57

Morning all :D

It's been raining, but dry now.

Ouch Jan, what a way to wake up, hope your leg isn't too sore x

Off out later, I have a 2pm appointment at the hairdresser. Think Ed's planning to walk up to the barber and get his done too. Just hope the rain stays away long enough for us to get there and back.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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