Good morning Friday.

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Good morning Friday.

Postby Ally » 13 Sep 2024, 06:34

Good morning.

After two beautiful days by the coast it's back to our place and 34°. It looks like another week of this then FINALLY we should be cooling down. :lol:

We're leaving the hotel earlier than normal this morning as I need to get home and get my glad rags on. :lol:
Don's dropping me at Plaza Mayor train station as I'm meeting a friend who's over from Scotland in Torremolinos at noon. :D

Once we're settled under a parasol at Mulligan's we're going to facetime a bunch of friends who will be on a hired coach on their way to a wedding of two friends of ours.
Thanks to the hour time difference we'll catch them perfectly before the 2pm ceremony. :cute:

Around 5pm Diane will get her train back to Arroyo de la Miel (which is the very station our very own dear Diane and Bryan used to go to and from when we met up) and I'll meet Don at Plaza Mayor and go home.

Out tonight for Friday beers and tapas with the gang. :D

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby JanB » 13 Sep 2024, 07:54

Morning Ally, morning everyone

A lovely, sunny morning, but still a little blowy. 33C again for us, although it felt a lot hotter than that yesterday.

Watering done and cleaning will be done this morning.

I'm going to try and sort out the transport for November, if it can't be done over the phone, I'll pop into Ourique Bombeiros and have a chat with them.

Then a lazy afternoon, as it was a bit full on yesterday :roll:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby cruiser2 » 13 Sep 2024, 08:01

Good morning everybody.

It is sunny with lots of blue shy. But only 15C with a gentle breeze.

Going to the Post Office and then getting the bus to Chorley. Will get cheese and fish. The butcher is closed. They have gone on holiday.

Will have lunch out before coming home.

Have a good day everybody..
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby meriad » 13 Sep 2024, 09:40

Hello and good morning everyone

Ally, your day sounds absolutely perfect, enjoy every minute!
Jan, definitely enjoy a lazy afternoon - much needed at times
Cruiser, as always enjoy Chorley

Well, it's a whopping 8 degrees outside at the moment (admittedly in a rather shady spot of the garden, but still); the heating came on this morning and I didn't rush to turn it down ;-) . The sun is now out, the sky is blue and we're expecting a max of 15 or so. First load of washing is on the line and towels are in the machine as I type; hoping to get both dried outside today.

I had two busy(ish) days yesterday and Wednesday - so apologies for the radio silence. I was in the office both days through to 3pm and then left early - Wednesday it was Amelia's 18th birthday so headed over there for celebrations and dinner, and yesterday I left early to head over to a friend that I haven't seen in far too long a time; about 3 years! This morning I dropped off two neighbourhood cats at the vet for neutering / spaying.... and now back home and cracking on with the work day which will be the usual mix of work and pootle.

Have a lovely day all xxx
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby Osc » 13 Sep 2024, 09:57

Morning all, looking out the window it is a beautiful autumn day, but the outside temperature is currently only 6.5 degrees :shock: I decided not to go to mobility class today, my knee feels much better and I don’t want to jeopardise that, so I’m taking things easy for the next couple of days - we won’t go dancing tonight either but we will be going dancing on Sunday. A fairly lazy day is on the cards. Edward is not playing golf but is watching the Irish Open being played at Royal Co. Down which is scenically gorgeous, just at the foot of the Mountains of Mourne.

I had a lovely time yesterday evening with Miss Osc, my sister and Kellie - the meal was a bit of a disaster, we were waiting almost an hour for our food. Apparently they had a problem with one of their ovens. Miss Osc complained as we just about had time to eat then go to the theatre, which is thankfully very near. She was particularly annoyed because Kellie had planned to organise a candle on my dessert, but we didn’t have time for dessert. They knocked 20% off the bill and gave Kellie a box with some little brownies in it, so at least they acknowledged it. We all enjoyed Wicked.
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby saundra » 13 Sep 2024, 10:54

Morning all lovely here not even any wind
Change the duvet shadow me out duvet on yesterday but no cover hate the job so will do it later osc I would have walked out and left a bad review and just brought a sandwich from shop
Take care everyone
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby JoM » 13 Sep 2024, 11:12

Morning all, it’s sunny with a chill in the air.

The Tesco delivery will be here in a few minutes so I’m typing ever so quickly.

Two loads of washing have been done. Joe will be back shortly, he stayed at his girlfriend’s house last night and as they both work from home on Fridays he took his laptop and said he’ll do his morning work from there and come home at lunchtime.

Gotta go, food is here.
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby jenniren » 13 Sep 2024, 11:20

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny, but chilly.

Usual washing day for me and expecting a Sainsbury's delivery sometime between 12-1pm. That should keep me busy for a few hours.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby cromwell » 13 Sep 2024, 12:59

The morning seems to have flown past!
We've done the big shop and are waiting in for a wine delivery.
No news on Jim yet.
A lovely day here, sunny and warm. We've had worse days than this in the summer.
Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Friday.

Postby Kaz » 13 Sep 2024, 15:42

Afternoon everyone :)

Ally that all sounds lovely :) xx

Hope you get that sorted Jan xx

Ria, belated birthday congrats to Amelia :D xx

Similar weather here Cruiser xx

That's disappointing Osc, but I'm glad you enjoyed the show xx

It's a pain of a job Saundra! xx

Jo :D xx

Afternoon Jen xx

I hope you get some news soon Crommers xx

It was actually frosty here, overnight :shock: A lady at the SW meeting said her husband's car was frozen up at 6am :shock: So, meeting first thing, then a cuppa round at Em's afterwards :) Popped round to see D, and then came home.

I have booked us four nights away in Spain, for our 20th anniversary in November :D :D It didn't really cost any more than a mini-break here would have, so I thought why not! ;)

Chris still doing well, he was planning to go shopping this afternoon as the two-day ban on driving passed yesterday - I did tell him to take it easily though.

Love to all :) xx
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