The Random Thread

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Re: The Random Thread

Postby Kaz » 27 Jan 2025, 18:30

Otters! :shock: :D :D

Becky got a call at work, a man living in Bishops Cleeve - a village about 15 miles from Gloucester - rang in to report a sighting of otters! They'd had his fish from his pond (unfortunately) and he wanted advice on how to otter-proof it when he restocked! B said he seemed more excited than angry about his fish, I think I would have been too! :Hi:
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JoM » 27 Jan 2025, 19:30

Oh I love otters!
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JanB » 27 Jan 2025, 20:46

cromwell wrote:I reckon Molly knows more about this than she is letting on..

I have to agree with you Crommers.

We've had three dead mice in the pool, as well as a couple of toads/frogs. Fortunately, they were alive.
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby meriad » 28 Jan 2025, 09:52

Oh poor bunny; there isn't any way for an animal to get out your pool (in fact most pools sadly) is there? Between you and Grumpy could you conjure up something similar to this? ... WMQTIV0L77 or ... d_source=1

As for the otters - oh wow!!! I'd love to see some in the wild, how amazing. And how brilliant the guy with the fish is trying to work with them vs against them - that's so lovely
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JanB » 28 Jan 2025, 10:58

The frogs and toads are okay Ria, they cling to the side until I net them. A big bunny, however, can't swim, so if Molly did chase it in, the only way out would be the steps.
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JoM » 29 Jan 2025, 23:40

Such weirdness on our walk tonight.

John has a fella in his department, Mark, who has been going through a tough time over recent months. He and his wife have been made legal guardians of his granddaughter due to his daughter and her boyfriend not being very good parents and social services being involved. Mark is quite fragile mentally too which hasn’t helped his wellbeing.

I hadn’t asked for a while how he was but for some reason he came to mind as we walked along the A34, John said he was doing okay and then said “actually he’s just gone past!!” and pointed at a car driving away from us.
He doesn’t live nearby, he lives around 10 miles away.
I said it was odd that I’d asked just as he drove past.
John then said that what was even stranger was that as I started to ask how Mark was, he was thinking about him and the fact that he’s booked tomorrow off work.
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JoM » 30 Jan 2025, 12:33

Right, just having a coffee so I can now post about the Evri man :lol:

Last month I was waiting for a parcel and saw the van pull up outside. He got out and went around to the back of the van, opened and closed the doors, never reappeared and I was standing there like a lemon waiting for him to knock on the door. He’d disappeared. 20 minutes later he delivered the parcel.
Same happened again shortly afterwards.
Yesterday I had a Ring notification that there was activity outside. The camera showed the Evri van pull up outside the house opposite and the man (it’s always the same one) got out and went around to the back of the van and opened the doors. Then the camera cut off. The van was still there, unattended, 25 minutes later.

Now, we all know how quickly parcels are delivered, the couriers give you seconds to get to the door before giving up so why is he leaving the van for so long? He isn’t walking around with a trolley which he’s loading with parcels and going to multiple houses so that theory is out of the window.

Whatever he’s getting up to, he’s getting up to it further down the close and not on our cul de sac end, we’re on a corner and we’ve got a camera on the first floor which is trained on our drive but it catches the street too. If he’s delivering to any of those houses he drives around. I can’t see where he’s going because often the van blocks the view down the hill.

Got a delivery due this afternoon so I’ll be looking out.
Last edited by JoM on 30 Jan 2025, 14:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JanB » 30 Jan 2025, 14:02

It is sooooo windy :shock: :shock:

It blew Grumpy-s hat off :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby cruiser2 » 30 Jan 2025, 16:19

Sounds as if he is dleivering more than just parcels.

A lovelylady delivers Parcels for Evri. She always stops and had a few words with me as she takes the photo.

I always give her a good report.
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby Kaz » 30 Jan 2025, 16:34

Such weirdness on our walk......

Jo, that is odd, but I do think many people have a kind of sixth sense like that, if they bother to tune into it. My sister and I occasionally do stuff like that, as did our mum, and both Hannah and Becks....... My brother-in-law says we're witches in our family :lol:
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