Millie the mad mongrels accident

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Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby debih » 26 Nov 2012, 08:41

As VV has been down I haven't been able to tell any of you the awful news. She was hit by a car on Thursday night.

It was horrific - he is a neighbour who lives further along the lane and he drives like a lunatic. He knows that the little part of the lane where we live, out of the 10 houses there are 6 children, 7 dogs and 4 cats but it still doesn't slow him down. She went straight under his car and I thought she was dead. I screamed and screamed and that is the only reason he stopped - he didn't know he had even hit her. She managed to drag herself out from under the car and I rushed her to the vets (the girls were at my mums and Mick was working away so a neighbour came with me - she was outside when it happened).

The vets were wonderful - they were ready and waiting for her (the neighbours husband had rung ahead). They got her straight on the table with a heat pad beneath and got her straight onto an iv drip. She was terribly in shock and it was a relief the next day when they rang to say that she was through that as that is the worst thing for a dog.

She has had a relatively lucky escape and has no internal injuries. She has a very, very bad cut on her back leg which goes right to the bone. As it is so deep they are not able to stitch it and they have been putting her under anaesthetic every day to flush it out. As she is in there anyway for that they have kept her on an iv drip to keep fluids going through her. The wound is very clean luckily and they have said that although they do not expect it to happen, worst case scenario is that an infection will set in and she will lose her leg.

They have said that she is doing well (we went to see her on Friday but she was still groggy from the op) and is eating well and when the vet took her for a walk yesterday she dragged him down the road. Providing the wound is still nice and clean when they flush it again today she can come home this afternoon. I have to take her to the vet every other day for the dressing to be changed.

The idiot that hit her hasn't said sorry (probably frightened that he will be held responsible if he does. I know he isn't responsible as she did run out but if he hadn't been going so fast I think she would have got away with it) although he has been in touch to ask how she is. I have told him to stay away from Mick for a while as he is gunning for him. He drives so fast up and down our lane (which is a narrow, single track lane with no pavements). He has 3 children and a dog so you would think he knew better.

He has really pee'd me off over the weekend with his facebook status's - putting posts about all the wonderful things he has been doing with his family (including pictures of him walking his dog on the moors - subtle) and what a wonderful weekend he has had. I don't think he can even comprehend what we have been going through. The girls and Mick are distraught and all I see when I close my eyes is her going under the car - so I have hardly slept.

But at least we know she is going to be okay and we just desperately want her home.

Edited to add - I remember now that I told you just before VV went down. I wasn't quite with it on Thursday night. :(
Last edited by debih on 26 Nov 2012, 09:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby Weka » 26 Nov 2012, 09:02

I don't think the "mad mongrel" label belong to Millie..... Grrr to your neighbour. He really hasn't a clue has he?!

I'm so pleased to hear Millie is going to be alright. Huggss
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby Kaz » 26 Nov 2012, 09:08

What a horrible man! :evil:

I'm so relieved that Millie is going to be ok - been worried about her and you and your family Debih ((((((((((((x))))))))))))))))
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby Ally » 26 Nov 2012, 09:47

I'm so pleased to hear Millie is going to be fine. :)

She sounds a very much loved pooch. :P
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby miasmum » 26 Nov 2012, 09:49

Thats brilliant news and I hope she is home with you today.

I would be tempted to put something on his facebook page along the lines of, so glad you have had a nice weekend, we have been back and forwards to vets to visit our lovely dog, oh but you know that don't you????

but then thats me
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby Kaz » 26 Nov 2012, 09:53

Well said Shell! 8-)
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby Teaspoon » 26 Nov 2012, 11:31

What an awful few days you've had. I'm so pleased that Millie is doing well and hope she's soon home and back to normal.
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby Diflower » 26 Nov 2012, 11:45

Have been thinking about you all and Millie all weekend Debih, am so glad she's doing so well.
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby molly » 26 Nov 2012, 11:51

So glad to hear she is on the mend.
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Re: Millie the mad mongrels accident

Postby tonicha » 26 Nov 2012, 12:40

So very glad to hear that Millie is well on the mend :)

And I think I would have to say something to your neighbour about his standard of driving - that's me being polite btw ;)
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