Christmas Day plans

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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby debih » 09 Dec 2012, 14:03

JoM wrote:We don't get up quite so early now on Christmas Day :D
Once presents are opened I crack on with the dinner, John picks my parents up at 12ish and we eat around 1. After dinner we sit around chatting and watching TV, my parents usually leave around 5pm. After that it's time for a quick tidy up in the kitchen and then I get a carpet picnic ready for us all to eat during Dr Who. The rest of the night we just watch more TV.
This year though we'll have to factor in some dog walks :) ...and the carpet picnic won't be laid out on the floor!

Oh, and I can now look forward to it without any added stress as John's Mom is going to her daughter's in Wales *cue dancing girls*
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Hurrah for your sister in law Jo.

:D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby jenniren » 09 Dec 2012, 14:50

Christmas day is pretty low key for us again this year. In the morning we'll be visiting mother at the CH for a couple of hours. Last year we took a bottle of bubbly with us so she could have a glass while opening her pressies just like we always did when she lived here with us. Half way through the morning the trolly comes round with sherry and mince pies so what with her glass of bubbly, the sherry and a glass of wine provided with dinner I hope she'll have as happy and merry afternoon as last year. The CH are really good and do their best to make it a special day, some of the carers dress up and they have a singalong in the afternoon so there's a really nice party atmosphere. Of course mother's dementia has deteriorated quite considerably this last year and her mood is now extremely unpredictable so we're tightly crossing our fingers she has a good day while it's all going on even if it's all forgotten the following morning.

As for us, dinner is as traditional as I can make it, turkey and all the trimmings, but as it's just the two of us and we're off to Kent and the grandchildren first thing Boxing Day there's no point in cooking a big bird so it's just a turkey tray roast from M&S. Tea will be crackers and cheese while we sit in front of the box watching Dr.Who, SCD, Call The Midwife and Downton........a perfect line up :D :D :D
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby Osc » 09 Dec 2012, 15:44

Miss Osc, her hubby and Michael are going away, so it's just the two of us and my sister for Christmas. Mr. Osc and myself have booked a favourite restaurant for lunch on Christmas Eve, and just want to have a relaxed Christmas Day. Bit of tension there though, we just want to be at home, but sister who is not married and has no children doesn't sound too keen about coming to us. I said that obviously she can stay with us Christmas night and even Christmas Eve if she wants - if we were to go to her, we would then have to go home and leave her on her own, whereas if she stays here she can have a few glasses of wine and not be alone. I've also told her if someone else asks her, we would have no problem with that. We are having pork, it's in the freezer already, but not decided on pudding yet. What we would like is for it to be a fine day, go for a nice walk, have our lunch between 2-3, and then just watch telly. It's been such a novelty for us this year not working in the post office, and we are loving the idea of not arriving at Christmas Day stressed and exhausted!

Actually, I think I will post about my sister >>>>>>>>off to Families board....
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby Diflower » 09 Dec 2012, 16:20

Ours is always quiet, just the two of us, then Bb has the boys Boxing day.
Haven't decided what we're eating yet, but I do try not to spend much time in the kitchen; last year we had a Middle Eastern feast, which was lovely. I've done proper Christmas dinners some years but have decided it's really not worth it just for two. We'll decide what we fancy during the week before.

We usually have some canapé-type things around midday, a Chinese mixture or something like that, plus I'll have some smoked salmon probably rolled round cream cheese. And Buck's Fizz of course :)
Stockings will be opened in the morning, and hoping for nice weather for a good dog walk; I'll spend some time changing and making myself beautiful, then Bb will be pestering to open presents every few minutes :D
We play music and play games, board ones and wii. Our meal will probably be around 5, the only TV for definite is Dr Who and Strictly.
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby sarahvc » 09 Dec 2012, 16:38

I have handed over the Christmas lunch apron to my youngest, Zoe. She had a new kitchen installed this year so the cooker needs christening!
Her in laws will be there as well, but I think OM will be doing the washing up as usual. New tea towels needed, note to self.
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby cruiser2 » 09 Dec 2012, 17:34

After breakfast of smoked salmon, will phone son and family in Kent. Then potter before SiL picks us up to go for a late lunch. Will have taken wine and presents on Sunday. We usually stagger home about eight o'clock, and relax watching TV, eating nuts and chocolate. No more drinks as I may be driving on 27th December as mrs.e wants to go shopping.

Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby Paddypix » 09 Dec 2012, 17:46

We have our son, dil and the two stepgranddaughters for the day. First of all, at about 7.00am we go to them (they live just one minute away) to watch the girls open their Santa presents, then we come home and start preparing the Christmas lunch. When they arrive about 11.00 we have mulled wine, the 7 year-old plays with whatever toys she has brought with her and generally makes a nuisance of herself "helping" in the kitchen, the 13 year old huddles in a corner with her phone as 13 year-olds seem to do. Lunch is at 2.00ish and then we all flop down in front of the telly until it's time to get nibbles for supper. On Boxing Day we go to them.
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby Lesley101 » 09 Dec 2012, 23:13

Very quiet Christmas this year - just three of us Mr L, my dad and Me. No: 1 son is out with his in laws, we were invited by Dad finds these big gatherings too much to cope with and of course No:2 son is in USA. So a roast lunch of some description and then probably watch Mr L and Dad asleep in front of the the TV. Have to say I'm a bit 'down' about it.
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby shazsha » 10 Dec 2012, 00:33

I'm still not sure what our plans are.

I'm definitely having Christmas Dinner at my house but don't know how many will be here. There will definitely be bruv, friend, nephew and myself. Possibles are my niece, her man and Ellie. We also usually invite friends who don't have family to go to and this year it's looking like there will be three of them too.

If niece is eating in her own house we'll go up there about midday, spend an hour or two there and then come home for dinner about 4pm. After we've finished eating we'll probably play board games and then watch tv.

This year is the first ear that Ellie has had some inkling about Santa so that will definitely put an extra shine on things :P
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Re: Christmas Day plans

Postby Kaz » 10 Dec 2012, 09:20

That will be lovely Shaz, having small children in the house 'makes' Christmas in my opinion :) :) Now that H is almost a teenager (he's 13 in February) I guess for me it means hanging on for grandchidren :? :lol:

((Lesley)) I hope the day goes better for you than you think xxx
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