Vibes please

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Vibes please

Postby Weka » 11 Dec 2012, 10:24

My niece was admitted to hospital after taking 2 months of her antidepressants in one sitting. So far she's ok, but needs to be in for four days due to the slow acting nature of the drug. Arrrgh!! Stupid girl! It seems to be more of a stunt rather than a cry or help, but I could be wrong....

Either way though some vibes would be lovely. She's only 17, and has a long way to go to pull herself up and out of where she is.
Last edited by Weka on 11 Dec 2012, 10:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vibes please

Postby Kaz » 11 Dec 2012, 10:25

Oh my word that is awful!!!!!!

I do hope she'll be ok!!!! (((((((((((((((x)))))))))))))))))))))
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Re: Vibes please

Postby tonicha » 11 Dec 2012, 10:32

vibes on their way Weka, poor girl xxxxx
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Re: Vibes please

Postby Diflower » 11 Dec 2012, 11:49

Oh poor girl Weka, at that age especially people can do silly things.
Do hope she goes on to recover properly.
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Re: Vibes please

Postby Ally » 11 Dec 2012, 11:56

Vibes from me too Weka xxx
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Re: Vibes please

Postby meriad » 11 Dec 2012, 12:18

Oh Weka, what a worrying time for everyone. Sending loads of vibes your way and I really hope that your niece realises that there are people who can and will help her and above all that she has family who love her and care for her (((hug)))
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Re: Vibes please

Postby Aggers » 11 Dec 2012, 12:27

Goodness gracious me. Anti-depressants can have nasty effects even in normal doses.

I do hope she pulls through alright.

Vibes on their way.

Re: Vibes please

Postby jenniren » 11 Dec 2012, 13:19

Oh that's dreadful weka, I do hope she recovers well and gets all the help she needs xxx
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Re: Vibes please

Postby saundra » 11 Dec 2012, 13:23

hope she gets well soon (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((VV)))))))))))))))))))))))
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Re: Vibes please

Postby JoM » 11 Dec 2012, 13:32

Lots of vibes coming from me too, I hope she'll be okay and can get some help...
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