On Saturday before I took Mowgli to the vets, he did struggle off the settee and have a drink, but he seemed so weak and in pain. I tried hand feeding him, but he just growled at me and wagged his tail, and let it all drip back out again. But I would have preserved if the ultra sound hadn't showed the damage it did.
However, yesterday I saw Simon who said "I just wish I knew why? His bloods were normal, whereas before they have been all over the place. Everything pointed to an infection and Weds he seemed so much brighter." I said "but by Thurs when I picked him up he was a very different cat to the one I saw on Weds" and he agreed and said yes he did seem much more down Thursday but he was hoping being back at home would perk him up. Then I said and the ultrasound and then he said "but we knew his liver was enlarged and fibrotic, that was nothing new. He wasn't jaundiced and bile was still getting through" so now I am left thinking I didn't give it long enough. I should have brought him home and tried harder and longer. He had drunk some water on Saturday, maybe he was on the mend.
Tim says 'he didn't see him, he is just surmising and maybe having fought so long last year he feels a bit miffed that the decision was made by someone else"
I don't know what to think, I am wondering about emailing Sacha the lovely vet who did the deed and asking her or emailing Simon and asking him? The one thing I had about it was peace of mind and that has gone now