by Suff » 07 Oct 2013, 07:46
The press are like salivating dogs.
Attack a couple of countries and the US budget goes off the front page....
It's still the biggest story since the financial crisis. People don't get it. I, for one, could wind up out of a job is the US defaults, quite easily. People don't seem to understand the fundamental issue with the US defaulting. It's not Greece or Iceland, any of the top 10 nations could have fixed their mess for them without them defaulting. No the US is a much bigger problem. The US is the world reserve currency, countries hold US $ to balance their currency and stabilise their own finances.
If the US defaults, the whole world defaults to one degree or another. If the US $ drops 40% in value, so does a large proportion of the financial reserves held in many countries banks.
When the Democrats are saying things like "The Republican's won't take Yes for an answer" and the Tea Party members are saying things like "I won't pass a budget to pay the US debts without concessions", we are in a whole different position to 1995. The last time this happened, the Republicans were unhappy about Clinton's proposals for welfare. But the US was not in debt for more than GDP and the gap between debt and GDP was not growing larger every single month.
This is one to watch and the press are off chasing "money makers" rather than reporting the mundane world shaking events going on right now.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.