Good morning Wednesday

A place to chat with friends, old and new

Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Osc » 19 Dec 2012, 11:37

Good morning all, it's rained all night and is still doing so - not quite as cold though. Miss Osc, SIL and Michael flew to Geneva this morning for their skiing holiday, Michael's first trip on a plane. Their flight was at 7am, and coincidentally, I woke at 6.30, so sent them a good luck text. Heard a short while ago that he was brilliant, great on the plane, and now they are ensconced in Starbucks in Geneva Airport waiting for their friends to arrive from Dubai.

Also reading my emails at that early hour, I got the very sad news that the partner of a friend of mine passed away yesterday :cry: They live in Spain and he has been ill for quite some time, there was talk about removing a kidney but as he had not been eating for ages, I wonder if either he didn't make it through the op, or maybe they didn't operate. I wonder if my friend will come back here, although her house here is sold, she owns an apartment here but her son lives in it. He was only 60 :cry:

H/work for "us" today (he's going to do the hoovering whether he wants to or not :evil: ) and our dance class is having it's Christmas party tonight so that should be good fun. Everyone have a lovely day :)
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