Good morning Thursday

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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby jenniren » 20 Dec 2012, 11:23

Morning all :)

Wet and miserable here today :roll:

Yesterday's visit to mother went better than expected. Apparently it was her best day for the last couple of weeks. I only stayed an hour as that's about as much as she can manage, but when I left she was happily getting ready for dinner. Fingers crossed my visit Friday goes as well.

We're off out in the next hour or so to do our last big Tesco shop. Need to stock up for eldest daughter and brood who are coming for dinner this Sunday. Also want to get some baking ingredients so I can play with my new food mixer. Haven't made cakes etc for years so this could be interesting :oops: It'll be the local shops for anything I can't get today.

Hope you all have a good day :)

jen x
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby victor » 20 Dec 2012, 11:30

morning all ,gorgeous morning here ( Uk tomorrow) -where's me waterproofs?

Ally -wont that be a bit hard on the feet? apart from shocking the neighbours !
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 20 Dec 2012, 11:34

Jen that's great news about your mum :D Enjoy the baking and the visitors :D

Vic you'll need waterwings never mind waterproofs :oops: Have a safe trip xx

Meri not long now how exciting!!!! Hope the new furniture arrives on cue! xxxx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JoM » 20 Dec 2012, 12:22

Morning all, it's a very wet, windy and dreary one here today!

The Aldi shop was done last night so now I just need the fresh stuff and some alcohol (John's got a voucher for Tesco from a client at work so we'll use that for the booze) . I've been to the gym and also had my hair cut, now I'm just waiting for the boys to come home. One of the cleaners at their school sadly died two weeks ago, she was only 52 and had a heart attack. Today is her funeral so school is closing at Noon as a mark of respect and for teachers to attend the service this afternoon.

Tonight is John's office night out so I've got my nails to do. Thankfully I'm not high maintenance 8-) so tonight I'll just need a quick shower, dry my hair and slap on some slap and I'll be ready ;)

That's good news Jen!

Hope your puter starts behaving Saundra!

Good luck Ton!

Kaz, what happened to Sid?
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 20 Dec 2012, 12:25

Wow Jo..52? That is sad. :shock:

Yes..what happened to Sid? :o
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JoM » 20 Dec 2012, 13:24

It is sad Ally, I was talking to someone who knew her earlier and she'd only become a Grandmother for the first time last month...
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 20 Dec 2012, 13:59

Oh what sad news about that poor cleaner - far too young! :cry:

I'm afraid Syd died a few weeks ago - do you know I thought I'd posted about it, sorry :shock: I know I did on Facebook........ Becks just found her dead in her terrarium one evening................B was devastatd but her 'reptile' lecturer up at Hartpury said it wasn't anything B had done, and that Syd had never been the healthiest of baby snakes (she was the one who 'sexed' Syd so had seen her) and said next time B should go to a reputable dealer not buy from a pet shop. She was probably never going to be an old snake and B had done well to get her going at all - B did have terrible trouble getting her to feed when she first got her...... :o

Sad :o
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby debih » 20 Dec 2012, 14:03

Afternoon all - not had chance to come on earlier.

I finished all my food shopping last night at Sainsburys and just had to pick up my veg and salad from the veg scheme place. I'm not buying fruit this year as my mum has bought us a fruit hamper from the market as part of our pressie.

Then into town this morning to go to the library and deliver the last few presents. I popped into the tyre place to see if they could reset my tyre after I hit a pot hole last week but they found that it was a nail in the tyre so I've had to buy a new one. So now I'm £63 down on my food mixer fund. :evil: :evil:

Home to check on S who has had today off school. She had a sore throat this morning and a slight temperature. I'm hoping she'll be back again tomorrow.

Then off to the vets for 2pm (patient is doing very well and scoffing - and keeping down - loads of food. This trip is just to have the dressing on her leg changed) and pick up my sister.

I'm off on a night out tonight organised by one of the local pubs. There are about 40 of us going to a dinner dance thing in Derby - there will be circus style entertainment, a 5 course meal, a mini casino, drinks included in the price (which wasn't cheap) and bacon butties at midnight. I'm looking forward to the food, entertainment and company but not the late night. Once the entertainment is over the disco starts - at about 11pm. The night finishes at 1.30am and then the coach collects us and brings us home.

We are leaving our house at 5.15 as the coach leaves at 5.45 and we won't get home again until about 2.30am. I was awake early again this morning - about 5.15am and have to be up for 7am to get S and L off to school (my sister is staying over night but is useless in a morning so I don't trust her to get them off in time). I think I will be snoozing for a while after I've dropped my sis off tomorrow.

How sad about the cleaner Jo.

And RIP Sid.
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 20 Dec 2012, 14:11

That sounds great fun Debih..enjoy.

You can always have a siesta tomorrow. :)

Poor Syd. :shock:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby elusivelaine » 20 Dec 2012, 15:14

I made it! It's been snowing all evening. :x I got up early to shovel seven inches of snow off the roof of my car and all the snow around the car. I did this because we are expected to get about 7 or 8 more inches today while I am at work. However, I was lucky enough to have the guy who drives the plow to give me a lift to work. Wow! It was like being in an ocean liner - You sit so high up in the cab and the vehicle is just so heavy - the roads were a mess, but it didn't matter. I wasn't driving and the vehicle managed to get through everything so easily. If they didnt' cost a fortune, I might invest in a truck that size. :D ;)
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