Questions and Answers
Q: In whaQt way is the “First past the post” undemocratic?
A: It is not fair for people who can't run very fast.
Q: What sources are there for social and ethnic stereotypes?
A: Tomato ketchup in the south, brown sauce in the north.
Q: Using supply and demand, explain the increase in the price of petrol;?
A: Petrol station owners Demand that drivers Supply them with more money.
Q: When would a dash be used?
A: When you are in a rush.
Q: What are pronouns?
A: People in favour of nouns.
Q: Use these digits, 4935, to create:
(a) The smallest four digit number they can make: 4935
(b) The largest four digit number they can Make:4935
Q: What might purified copper be used for?
A: Catching purified criminals