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Postby meriad » 27 Nov 2012, 12:04

Yay, the pet board is up and running as well. Well done everyone involved!

I did have a giggle this morning. My new feline addition Ava quite likes water and whenever I shower or bath she'll come and check things out. She's also fascinated by noise the bath drain makes when I use the basin (the outlets are linked so the bath always gurgles when I let water out the basin).

The sealant around my bath got damaged this weekend gone, so until I can get it fixed this coming weekend I'm bathing in the mornings vs showering. This morning Ava came in just as I was about to get into the bath and she jumped up on the edge. I had turned my back for a second to grab something and next thing I new she was trying to get into my bath :) . Thankfully it wasn't a very deep one so all she managed was get her front paws wet before I scooped her up. But had it been the weekend and I'd have had the time to make sure she was dry properly I think I'd have left her to see just how far she went. Daft cat
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Re: Bathtime

Postby Kaz » 27 Nov 2012, 12:11

LOL OH bless her :D

What is it with cats, they are fascinated by water and yet hate getting wet? :D :lol: :lol:
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Re: Bathtime

Postby Gal » 27 Nov 2012, 12:12

Yayyy Meriad - lovely to see you here :D

LOL @ Ava - how old is she now? Smudge is the same with water - he's been in up to his tummy (Ie all of his legs got wet, and the water was hot!) :shock: :lol: He didn't seem at all fazed by it, just stood there till Jen lifted him out :lol:

You have my sympathy re the seal....I have had no end of leaks with both bath and shower recently :|

Re: Bathtime

Postby meriad » 27 Nov 2012, 13:46

I have no idea Kaz, although in Ava's case I think the breed is quite fond of water.

Gal, she'll be 7 months on the 9th of December and growing so quickly. She's bigger and heavier than my 20 year old Molly now. She also wasn't phased by the water at all and I suspect come the summer the pond in the garden will be quite interesting for her.

As for the seal... it really is a royal pain in the you know what, esp as the daft person who installed it left a huge gap between the bath and the actual wall so it's really difficult to get a good clean seal around it. But (I think) I've come up with a solution so need to sort it out over the weekend :)
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Re: Bathtime

Postby Diflower » 27 Nov 2012, 18:55

They are funny aren't they. My last cat was a beautiful 3/4 Burmese, called Bizzy, who was also fascinated with water, plus hated me being out of his sight.
He always came in when I was in the bath (didn't have a shower there) and parade around the edge. When he fell in - several times - it was hilarious, just like a cartoon, he jumped out even as he hit the water, and shot straight out onto the bathmat :D
Oh yes, he could also wee into the toilet :? If the cover was down then he'd wee into the washbasin instead...
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Re: Bathtime

Postby miasmum » 27 Nov 2012, 21:01

My two like drinking water from all sorts of strange places but they don't like getting wet.
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Re: Bathtime

Postby Weka » 28 Nov 2012, 11:02

My George use to shower with me.
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