Loz you did
absolutely the right thing! Thanks goodness it was 'only' an infection, but you must never take chances with your remaining hearing, it is far too precious xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It isn't visits like yours that waste the resources, it is idiotic drunks and people who aren't registered with GPs.
I know it's a different topic but when D had her window broken, the policeman who came out told her she should have rung 999 rather than hanging on the phone for ages ringing 101, which she did as she "didn't want to be a nuisance"
He said people ring 999 for the most ridiculous of reasons - he said he knew of one person ringing as they couldn't get a taxi (
) and another as they'd run out of loo roll
It's people like that who cause the problems - and yes, I think they should be fined